My reply:
[[This paper has been written for readers with a strong background in quantitative sciences, who know little about radiation transfer in Earth’s atmosphere. So we include material that is common knowledge to a small number of experts, but little known to the larger scientific community.]]
Whew! Get me some 2x strength Febreze spray!
The lie that never dies rears its ugly head again, this time spread by professional physicists who should have known better and led the fight against it for years.
CO2 and other "greenhouse gases" aren't real. They're a fake physics hoax pushed by the global Marxist politician-run U.N. IPCC as part of their long war to destroy capitalism and economic growth and burn down the West so they can build their Marxist utopia on its ashes. It was never about science, but about hijacking science for political gain. Less than a week ago WUWT republished a great article by Lord Monckton exposing the global Communist conspiracy to spread it. Did anybody read it?
It's sick that so many physicists are so weak at the basics of thermal physics that they had a cakewalk with the older ones who could have stopped them like these two, and after taking over academia, no problem miseducating youngsters who have to learn their catechism to advance academically, like an established Church propagating the geocentric theory from generation to generation.
What a bait and switch that the authors fell for. It's not about "radiation transfer in Earth's atmosphere", it's about Nature's ironclad Second Law of Thermodynamics AKA Entropy, which makes it impossible for any gas in Earth's atmosphere to reheat Earth's surface with its own heat, which came only from solar radiation.
To say that atmospheric CO2, H2O, or CH4 cause global surface temperatures to rise even one iota is like saying that some woman is a little pregnant. Nature is being mocked by Marxists using science as a mask, and the rest is moose hockey.
I've spent years broadcasting from my miserable soapbox on the Web how easy it is to disprove the IPCC's greenhouse gas warming hoax, but since I spent most of my life studying thermal physics I can't be sure what's obvious to others and what isn't. I already listed the url with my killer bullet disproof here on WUWT in the comments section and got little response. It's sad that WUWT doesn't wake up and recognize my article and make it a feature article with a prominent link to it on every page permanently, and help me find a billionaire who can make a copy available to every person in the fossil fuel-using West to stop all the IPCC's insidious plans to ruin our future before they do real damage.
Since WUWT readers know more thermal physics than most, here's my most simple concentrated disproof of "greenhouse gas warming":
- The Earth is an almost perfect Planck black body, meaning that it absorbs and emits radiation at all wavelengths, with the absorbed radiation raising its temperature depending on heat capacity, and the emitted radiation having a displaced peak at a far lower temperature than the Sun's, with a shape constrained by the Second Law of Thermodynamics to maximize entropy dispersion while cooling it back down. The thermal energy lost to entropy dispersion is also called exergy, which a Google search is mentioned in one 5-year-old WUWT article: Exergy and Power Plants – Watts Up With That?
- Let's say the Earth's atmosphere were the most perfect concentrated thick greenhouse gas imaginable, absorbing and reemitting 100% of Earth surface energy perfectly back to the surface. Guess what?
- The temperature achieved via solar radiation couldn't be raised ONE IOTA, because the emitted surface energy is way less than the original solar energy. In short, no atmosphere can turn the Earth into a perpetual motion machine that can even keep the surface as warm as the Sun made it. Rather, if the Sun went dead it would inevitably cool down to outer space temperature, leaving the Earth another cold rock in space.
- So why even waste one iota of your time on greenhouse gas climate physics? It's as much junk as flat Earth astronomy.
We're all adults here, so why keep this killer knowledge as an in-joke? We need to find a deep pockets billionaire who will peel off a billion or two to educate the masses regardless of all efforts of the U.N.-Big Teach, er, Big Tech cabal to prevent it. Then hopefully the masses will throw off their yokes and laugh at the emperor's new clothes and force them to disband and give the money back. Too bad that billionaire Bill Gates dropped out of college before he could even get to senior level courses on physics or else he could have done all this work for me and I could have used the time to solve other big world class problems.
Here's my free Web article explaining my killer disproof of the IPCC global warming hoax. Permission is hereby granted for republication as long as it's kept whole and intact including my copyright notice. I'm an amateur by choice, not supported by Big Oil, but I can't be bought and am only worried about my reputation and would welcome a free will donation of a few million with no strings attached so that I can move permanently to Hawaii in my old age. Sorry, less than that would be a nuisance, so don't try chipping me dimes.
Why Are Greenhouse Gas Theories Dead Wrong?, by T.L. Winslow (TLW), "The Historyscoper"™
I notice that WUWT doesn't even list my cool blog linking to all the articles on climate pro and con that I read every day, including here. Subscribe to the free daily email.
The Antarctic Volcanoes Project Blog
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