Sunday, June 30, 2019

Debate Climate Freakout

Do any of you feel climate change isn't real? Why?

World's Largest Solar Power Plant Switched On

Climate Prediction Fails, Great Lakes At Record-High Water Levels

Japan waters down G20 climate commitment ahead of leaders’ summit

Himalayan Glaciers–The Story The BBC Refuse To Tell You

Centuries-Old Sea Captain Diaries Are Confirming Modern Climate Science

Why India Should Ignore Climate Alarmism

Researchers Find Climate Propaganda Worked On Unaffected Flooding Bystanders

Question marks over new French record temperature

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Was this the 11:11 gateway today?

Do you have scientific evidence that global warming is not happening?

My reply:

This question is unfortunately clouded by the rampant data tampering of pro-AGW scientific orgs. like NASA and NOAA. Of course their charts all proudly show global warming, but they have been caught several times cooking the books, so nobody can believe anything they put out.
I’m full of it, because NASA’s scientists are the highest authorities, with unimpeachable integrity?
Here’s a statement from NASA’s Web site claiming that atmospheric CO2 is able to rewarm the Earth’s surface as if it were a second Sun in the sky:

"The natural greenhouse effect raises the Earth's surface temperature to about 15 degrees Celsius on average - more than 30 degrees warmer than it would be if it didn't have an atmosphere. The amount of heat radiated from the atmosphere to the surface (sometimes called 'back radiation') is equivalent to 100 percent of the incoming solar energy. The Earth's surface responds to the 'extra' (on top of direct solar heating) energy by raising its temperature." Climate and Earth’s Energy Budget
Zonk! Moose hockey detector went off! They use a figure of 100% for back radiation, which means that each year the global temperature can’t rise any more since it’s stuck already on 100%! Yet their graphs show global temps rising in lock-step with atmospheric CO2, just like they made up in some
back room to sell to the public. They made the 100% figure up to stick it to AGW skeptics and forgot that they should have made up a figure with some growth potential like 59.9%. The true figure is zero, zilch, nada, cypher, get it? If you can make up numbers you can make up the whole effect. Strike three on the outside corner for NASA when it comes to climate change, it’s your tax dollars at work.

The truth is that CO2 greenhouse warming theory is a hoax with ulterior motives that contradicts science, and to see NASA pushing it is sad. If you want to blindly worship NASA as your god, go ahead, but if you still think for yourself read my killer essay and free your mind from this mind-numbing hoax:

TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change

Killer Heatwave – The New Climate Porn

30 Reactions Europeans Had To The Record-Breaking Heatwave

San Francisco Fed Promotes “Climate-Adaptation” Loans

Imaginary Record Heat - Tony Heller (video)

Climate Change As a Backdoor for Socialism - Tucker Carlson (video)

UNEQUIVOCAL Evidence Of Industrial Wind Farms’ Horrific Toll On Wildlife

Hottest Highway On Record In France!

Friday, June 28, 2019

The one strategy that could finance the whole Green New Deal The current banking system in the U.S. doesn’t meet the equity or environmental aims of the Green New Deal. But the push to establish government-run banks that do is gaining momentum as an alternative.

Greenland Ice-Loss Predictions Are Clouded By Clouds

Why do so many people still believe climate change is a myth?

My reply:

The real question is why doesn’t everybody believe that CO2-driven climate change is a myth. Of course climate always changes naturally because it’s ultimately driven by the ever-changing Sun and its orbit, we’re not talking about that. But CO2 doesn’t drive it, because of basic physics, which require a gas that has been heated to begin rising via convection, eventually dissipating its heat in space, thus cooling the Earth’s surface, not warming it. CO2 molecules are heavier than O2 and N molecules, so what? Because CO2 is only 0.04% of the atmosphere, it is thoroughly mixed with the oxygen and nitrogen and other molecules, and can never unmix, just watch pure CO2 gas escaping from dry ice and disappear into the surrounding air. Hence if it absorbs some heat from the surface somehow, the 99.96% of surrounding molecules will soon absorb and diffuse it, and the resulting convection currents will take it with them up higher, which is why CO2 is found at all altitudes. Eventually the atmosphere runs out, and simple Planck radiation releases any remaining heat energy to the near absolute zero of space. This process happens 24/7/365, removing all of the heat deposited by the Sun on the surface in a perfect balance.

In contrast, there is the globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC octopus that has compromised scientists, academics, and journalists and has been pushing the hoax that CO2 can upset the balance, reverse Nature and rewarm the Earth’s surface by some fantastical mechanism which they never quite prove but assure us is true, hence we should feel guilty for burning fossil fuels and shut down the fossil fuel industry and capitalism with it and pay trillions in reparations to them so they can spend it on our behalf. This is a con game for the non-scientist public, don’t fall for it. It’s more likely that the future will bring decreasing global temperatures because of sunspot deficits. When it happens, just watch the IPCC try to explain this away while keeping their hands out and never offering a refund.

DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government

Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Expects Global Cooling

Here’s the rest of my proof that CO2 greenhouse warming theory is a hoax with ulterior purposes. Warning: it challenges your knowledge of physics, but is solid and nobody has or can answer it.

TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change

Climate Hits The Democrat Debate Fan

Where is the evidence that seems to persuade people that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not causing global heating?

My reply:

The CO2 greenhouse warming theory is a gigantic scientific hoax with ulterior purposes. It originated back in the 19th century when understanding of thermodynamics was still primitive and atmospheric CO2 levels were low, and as it was about extinct it was picked up and propagated by the globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC as part of a vast plot to foist world government. It’s always the same con game pushed on a scientifically-illiterate public, namely, that a glass tube of CO2 in the lab that’s illuminated by infrared gets hotter. This ignores the blatant fact that CO2 in the atmosphere isn’t enclosed in glass, and when it warms it begins rising toward space via convection, taking the heat with it while the surrounding oxygen and nitrogen molecules absorb and spread it. In other words, CO2 helps cool the Earth’s surface by removing the heat deposited daily by the Sun. That’s a long jump from being able to send the heat back to the surface in as useful a form as the Sun originally did, which is impossible because the iron laws of thermodynamics prohibit a cooler body from heating a warmer body, and require entropy to increase. But didn’t I just say that infrared heated the CO2? Yes, but as it rises there’s something called lapse rate that automatically causes the gas to expend its heat and cool with height. By the time it’s gone very high, there’s no heat left to send back down. Try riding in an open cockpit airplane without a heavy jacket and muffler. What a ridiculous hoax.

Lapse rate - Wikipedia
Convection - Wikipedia

The hoaxers knew this, so they invented an imaginary physical process of pure radiation with Byzantine mathematical equations that scientific novices can’t challenge, claiming that CO2 shines IR back down to the surface like a dragon in the sky. That this is a hoax is easily seen from the very lab experiment that showed a tube of CO2 heating up when IR was shined on it. If it could send the IR back via pure radiation, then the tube would never heat up, rather, a nearby tank of water would heat up while the tube remained cool.

Thus, the CO2 greenhouse warming theory is pure moose hockey, and only the IPCC global octopus of compromised govt.-funded scientists, academics, and media keep perpetuating it because it’s their ticket to trillions if they can put it over on the general public. It’s really a great con since they never have to produce any real results of cooling the climate, and don’t have to refund the money, plus there are many signs that the climate is going to cool on its own because of sunspot cycles. And if they get their way, capitalism will be destroyed and a Marxist utopia built on the ashes.
In reality, CO2 is pure good, a clean green odorless gas that’s the basis of all plant and animal life, and more CO2 would be good not bad. Meanwhile the IPCC octopus has been engaged in a mighty effort of suppression of the truth, closing academic journals and mainstream media to so-called climate change deniers, while villifying them with superficial ad hominem moose hockey suitable only for loose thinkers, making the few lone voices out there speaking truth to power hard to find.
TACKLING The Climate ‘Crisis’ Means The End Of Capitalism As We Know It
Debunked: CO2 Will Not Cause A Food Shortage
Science's Untold Scandal: Professional Societies' Sell Out on Climate Change | PSI Intl
TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change

Thursday, June 27, 2019

These green targets waved through by MPs will make the cost of no deal look like small change

Theresa May’s Holiday Will Cost Us Dear!

Hurricanes Don't Lie - But Climate Scientists Do - Tony Heller (video)

Video: The truth about the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S.

Watch: Sky News Eco Propaganda Gets Ratioed on Twitter

Why don't global warming skeptics who claim it's due to natural causes prove it?

My reply:

The proof is out there that CO2 is physically unable to send heat from the atmosphere back to the surface, but the global monolith centered in in the U.N. IPCC does everything it can to suppress it while smothering people with their hoax literature because it goes along with an outrageous ransom attempt to bilk trillions in their bid to foist a Marxist world government.
Take water. When the Sun heats the Earth’s surface, it evaporates some water, which removes the heat and sends it up into the atmosphere as steam. But it’s cold up there, and while clouds block sunlight and absorb some more heat directly, eventually it lets go of the moisture in the form of rain, snow, and hail, cooling the surface a second time. Yet the IPCC hoaxers call water a greenhouse gas.
CO2, on the other hand, is just a trace element in the atmosphere which works together to remove solar heat from the surface mainly via conduction and float it slowly to space via convection. This heat never returns to the surface to warm it a second time, any more than smoke and heat from a chimney can return and cook the meal twice. The Earth’s gravity field insures that heat rises until it is lost via the lapse rate, and the concentration of CO2 is irrelevant because lapse rate depends only on g (gravity) and h (heat capacity of the atmosphere), radiation not being involved. The basic process is heat being traded for work to expand against the decreasing pressure. Once lost, there’s nothing to send back down to the surface.
Lapse rate - Wikipedia
Convection - Wikipedia
The hoax is to invent an imaginary IR radiation scheme that turns CO2 into a dragon in the sky that reheats the surface like a heat lamp. Sorry, this is a hoax. Due to the lapse rate, all air in the sky is cold, and CO2 doesn’t change that, and a colder object cannot heat a warmer object because of the iron laws of thermodynamics. Instead, a gravy train is set up in the sky propagating the heat upward until it’s diffused harmless in space. Even if there were 10x as much CO2 as now, the surface would never get warmer, sorry.
Since they can’t debate on the basic physics issue, the IPCC octopus has been concentrating on generating mountains of fake temperature data supposedly revealing a tiny but ever-rising increase in average global temperatures, which is based on a plethora of lies, although even they only claim 0.8C total warming since 1880. Their biggest swindle is to pretend to predict out to the year 2100 and claim a coming Armageddon that only they can prevent after capitalism is shut down and they’re put in control, bwahahaha. Stalin used to talk about useful idiots. What about you?
Try running the above simple truth by an IPCC puppet and watch their arrogant stares and their attempt to villify you as some kind of kook that should be marginalized and even locked up in a reeducation camp. They have closed minds, and just can’t handle the truth, because Marxism wants to rule the world and the decision has long been made to frame CO2 as evil and use it as the excuse for takeover. After all, the capitalism that’s created our modern happy wealthy convenient world runs on fossil fuels, and to shut it down they have to shut the fossil fuel industry down by painting even the most harmless CO2 emissions as evil. In truth CO2 is pure good, a clear clean odorless gas that’s the basis of all plant and hence animal life. Plants turn CO2 into oxygen. The more CO2 that gets in the atmosphere, the more vegetation thrives, allowing the billions to be fed, and more oxygen to be generated, increasing the ability to absorb more and more CO2. Don’t let the hoaxers trap your mind in a glass cage. It’s not even close. CO2 greenhouse warming is a hoax.

DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government
Debunked: CO2 Will Not Cause A Food Shortage
Science's Untold Scandal: Professional Societies' Sell Out on Climate Change | PSI Intl
Vilifying People Who Question Global Warming Is Anti-Science | PSI Intl

Tell your climate scientist professor to read my devastating essay that disproves the CO2 greenhouse warming theory with physics and see what happens. It’s as hopeless as getting a flat earther to admit that the Earth is a globe. So quit asking us so-called global warming skeptics to prove it, instead read our disproofs and free your mind.

TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Climate Change Narrative is Driven by Agenda of Political Control—Myron Ebell (video)

New sun-driven cooling period of Earth ‘not far off’ (video)

My reply:

The evil insidious globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC is a global criminal octopus that has long ago compromised the world's scientists, academics, and media in its mad plan to foist world govt. and let the world burn so they can erect a Marxist utopia on its ashes. They don't care about climate, or people, just their fairytale utopia that can't work, but with Marxists the end justifies the means so they just don't care. Don't let them call on the name of science to justify their plans. Science prohibits CO2 from warming the Earth's surface because only the Sun does that. Instead, it's just part of the atmosphere that cools the surface and takes the heat slowly to space, where it is harmlessly released. The Earth's atmosphere is a giant chimney not a greenhouse. CO2 greenhouse warming is a hoax because there's no glass in the sky to keep the heat from escaping to space. A real greenhouse is a closed parked car in the Sun, which can reach interior temps 30F-40F higher than the ambient air, which has already taken solar heat from the Earth's surface, and once it heat leaves can never come back, any more than a rock rolled down a mountain can come back to the top, or heat and smoke from a chimney can return to cook the meal twice. Read my devastating essay that disproves the CO2 greenhouse warming theory with physics and take your mind out of the glass cage the IPCC has been putting around it in order to cage your soul.

Monday, June 24, 2019

A Red Team Review Of Climate Crisis Assertions

Data Tampering Past The Climate Tipping Point (video)

Since climate data has now reached the “gold standard” of scientific evidence - determining that there’s only a one in a million chance that ongoing climate change could have been caused by anything other than humanity - can we stop arguing about it?

My reply:

One in a million chance? How did they compute that? They sure didn’t just measure it. Answer: by running their flawed fraudulent climate models many times with different parameters and calculating a fake statistic that bolsters their prejudices. Oh yes, this is their second try. Now they claim that they see manmade global warming in satellite measurements. Sorry, but satellites can only measure the heat escaping the Earth’s atmosphere, which has cooled the surface, and they have no way of deciding what part of that is from human activities vs. natural radiation from the Sun, so their thinking is upside-down and backwards.  No surprise, they didn’t take long to attack Pres. Trump, who is holding his wallet close and not acceding to their demands.

Evidence for man-made global warming hits 'gold standard': scientists

Sorry, but the greedy insidious globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC and its global octopus of compromised scientists, politicians, and media has long been pushing a hoax that CO2 can control the climate, always for the worse, when actually it has no control because physics won’t let it. The only thing about CO2 is that its concentration in the atmosphere has snuck up in 80 years from 3 parts in ten thousand to 4, like who cares. Why do they want to call their moose hockey a “gold standard” and demand an end to debate? Because they can’t debate, and if they can end it they already hear the cash registers ringing with trillions of dollars, especially from the fat cow U.S., that they won’t solve any climate problems with, but rather redistribute to poor countries like Africa for racial justice without calling it that. They actually don’t care about Earth’s climate or climate science, else they’d quit hijacking it and open the closed bigoted society of academics and govt.-funded scientists they’ve created. Fat chance as long as the pile of scientific ignoramuses won’t move. Kaching!

DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government

Read my free essay proving that CO2 greenhouse warming is fake physics with an ulterior motive, and take that one in a million chance to free your mind and save your money.

TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change

'A True Public Health Emergency': 70+ Medical Groups Sound Alarm on Climate Crisis

Australia Government changes historical temp records to make the science work (video)

Big-Idea Energy Alternatives Are Costly And Puny

Grist ‘Investigates’ DiCaprio’s Climate Activism, But Falls Short

The Inconvenient Truth About Electric Cars

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Dutch Electricity Stats

TWEET Of The Week : ‘It’s like a vegan that secretly eats meat’

Innovation, Scale & the Myths of Green Energy (video)

We have both climate change fear mongers as well as denialists. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. What is it?

My reply:

Sorry, but truth isn’t like a golf shot that missed the cup. It doesn’t necessarily lie somewhere in the “middle”, because there may be no middle. Sometimes one side is just plain wrong. Are you confusing reality with Hegelian-Marxist dialectic, a bunch of moose hockey?
Dialectic - Wikipedia
When it comes to the climate change issue, the truth is that CO2-driven “greenhouse warming” has always been a pure scientific hoax, because the science has been settled for 150 years that CO2 in the atmosphere may capture some heat from Earth’s surface that was originally deposited by the Sun, but it can’t send it back, only help the rest of the atmosphere take it to space. If you’re standing on top of a mountain and kick a stone, it will roll downhill and might cause an avalanche, but up where you’re at you’re safe. Why? The gradient of gravity.
The Earth’s atmosphere works the same way, only upside-down. Any heat on the surface heats the air via a number of processes, causing it to rise and eventually expend its energy harmlessly in the infinite heat sink of space. Hence, the atmosphere protects us from global warming, and only a hotter Sun can cause that, not the trace amount of CO2 in it. The Earth’s atmosphere is a giant chimney, not greenhouse. Actually, NASA is predicting a cooler Sun in the future, and that will cool the climate, and CO2 can’t stop it.

NASA Predicts Next Solar Cycle will be Lowest in 200 Years (Dalton Minimum Levels) + the Implications - Electroverse

Since scientists knew that CO2 didn’t control climate from way back, the institutionalized and government ones have long been deliberately hoaxing the scientifically illiterate populace for political-economic reasons, and their days are numbered. Actually, scientists way back 150 years ago deserve a bone. They may actually have been confusing the Earth’s atmosphere with a real greenhouse such as a closed car in the sun, where the heat coming in through the windows is trapped by glass, driving the interior temperature up 30F-40F, but the Earth has no glass in the sky, and doesn’t trap hot air but just conducts it to space, achieving a perfect balance 24/7/365.

How hot can the interior of a car get - and how quickly?

Too bad, when global Marxism and the U.N. came along, and regular measurements of atmospheric CO2 showed a year-by-year rise, it began hijacking scientific orgs. along with politicians and media to frame CO2 as something evil in itself, at first to help them destroy the fossil fuel industry after it cleaned up its other emissions, and now to destroy capitalism itself. CO2 is a clean clear odorless gas that’s essential for all life on Earth. More doesn’t mean something bad because plants will love it, greening the Earth and feeding the teeming billions.

Debunked: CO2 Will Not Cause A Food Shortage
Media Attacks. CFACT Rebuts. Media Retreats.

The U.N.’s IPCC doesn’t care about science, or about increasing the global population, only about power and foisting world govt. Like all Marxists, they will let the world burn and billions perish if they can erect a Marxist utopia on the ashes. Don’t let them capture your brain in a glass cage by claiming they have science on their side. If you think that Marxism should rule the world and that the end justifies the means, go for it, but if you’re wiser than that and don’t want to join the vast graveyards left by past Marxists, use your head now and don’t become their useful idiot.

DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government
Some Tricks Climate Alarmists Play
Growing Evidence Of Wind Farms’ Horrific Toll On Wildlife: This Time From India
The Mechanics of Climate Alarm

Think you know physics? I can prove that the CO2 greenhouse warming theory is a hoax with ulterior motives to anybody who has an open mind. Read my essay and take the glass ceiling off your brain. You can bet that the IPCC octopus doesn’t want you to read it because they don’t want you to have an open mind and do want your bank account and healthy wealthy happy lifestyle with it.

Back To The Dark Ages: German Greens Look To Ban All Industrial Farming - The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change

Thursday, June 20, 2019

How much of our crazy weather right now is a result of global warming?

My reply:

Sorry, there is no global warming, it’s a hoax that goes along with the fake CO2 Greenhouse Warming Theory. All weather is the result of the Sun’s energy and the unpredictable instability of the atmosphere. Only if the Sun cranks up its energy can the Earth really warm, and yes, the weather would get wilder. But sorry, the sunspot cycle is on the downslide, and it’s more likely that the Sun will crank down not up.

TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change (

Ice Melting In Greenland? That’s What It Does In Summer!

Trump EPA Replaces Obama’s Anti-Coal Clean Power Plan

Our civilization could collapse in 2050

Solar Activity Forecast for Next Decade Favorable for Exploration

Quietest Solar Cycle In 200 Years May Put The Brakes On Global Warming

Why are we not switching to renewable energy when that can solve the problem of global warming. I know it's not cost effective yet, but isn't the life on Earth more important than some currency?

My reply:

Sorry, but a complete transition to renewables would throw the world back to the horse-and-buggy days, and result in mass starvation and death for the huddled and isolated masses. It would rob Africa of its only hope to join the modern world. Solar and wind power depend on sunlight, which is intermittent and iffy, sometimes almost non-existent, and batteries can’t store enough electricity to get over the lulls, as if it could be distributed. It’s only nuclear power that promises a golden future for humanity and the only real change to phase-out petroleum, yet the insidious globalist Marxist Green Movement based in the U.N. IPCC won’t even talk about nuclear power since they never wanted to help anybody, only hurt capitalism and watch the world burn so they can create their unworkable Marxist utopia on the ashes.

So don’t listen to them, listen to impartial voices not under their money and control. And that doesn’t even mean Big Oil, since they long ago dumped climate skeptics to make a deal for their piece of the renewable energy pie, and can’t be trusted either. The trillions now being demanded by the IPCC and its octopus would bankrupt the world and leave the climate crisis unchanged, when if it were used to develop enough nuclear plants, the energy problem could be solved forever, since the climate crisis never existed and is only a hoax they push to get their hands on the green.

Fortunately, there’s many independent voices telling the truth to power. Here’s a sample to lift the fog and make you better able to fight the IPCC octopus and its lies:

Big Oil Goes Big Green
More of Big Green’s Money Machine
The American Left’s Money Laundering Racket EXPOSED!
DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government
The great hundred billion dollar+ renewable energy fleecing of American taxpayers & energy users
We Shouldn't Be Surprised Renewables Make Energy Expensive Since That's Always Been The Greens' Goal
Climate alarmists aren’t trying to save the planet, they want communism in America
The decline of Weather Dependent Renewables in Europe: 2008 – 2018 | PSI Intl
NY Post Editorial Explodes Cuomo Renewables Delusion
Renewables Were Never Meant to Power Modern Civilization
UK Says 100% Renewables Won’t Work
"Collapse" Of German Onshore Wind Is "Jeopardizing" German & EU Renewable Targets
Batteries cannot make renewables reliable
Is Renewable Energy Affordable?
BILL GATES Slams Unreliable Wind & Solar: ‘Let’s Quit Jerking Around With Renewables & Batteries’
This Environmentalist Says Only Nuclear Power Can Save Us Now
‘Three Mile Island’ Nuclear Accident Wasn’t All It’s Cracked Up To Be
The New, Safer Nuclear Reactors That Might Help Stop Climate Change
Earth Day Celebrators Should Celebrate Nuclear Power Too
Back To The Dark Ages: German Greens Look To Ban All Industrial Farming - The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)
Hornsea Offshore Wind Farm Opens–At Huge Cost To Energy Customers
KIWI Wind Farms ‘Lazy as Bro’: New Zealand’s Wind Turbines Produce Nothing 80% Of The Time
Fighting For Energy And Human Rights Equality In Africa

Is fracking compatible with a fossil-free future?

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

3 More New Papers Expose The Folly Of ‘Ocean Acidification’ Claims

Why do climate change denialists think a massive change in the composition of gases in the atmosphere (CO2 up from 280ppm to 410) does not lead to a massive change in the climate?

My reply:

An increase from 280 ppm to 410 ppm is not a “massive change of composition of gases in the atmosphere”, it’s almost imperceptible without sensitive instruments in isolated locations. 400 ppm is 0.04%, or 4 parts per ten thousand. Imagine a soccer match with ten thousand in the stands, and try to find four people in that mess. In short, CO2 is a trace element of the atmosphere, and maybe you smell a rat that you’ve been lied to.

Despite what so-called climate scientists that have been compromised by the insidious globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC claim, atmospheric CO2 has no effect on the climate, because the Sun drives the climate, and the entire atmosphere just follows along, removing the solar heat from Earth’s surface and venting it to space daily, but at a certain rate that moderates the temperature swings. This is a cooling not a heating process, sorry. Once heat is removed from the surface, it never returns. It might be interesting to certain specialists with no lives to follow the journey of the heat into space, but once it’s left the surface it can’t heat us in any way, it’s gone on a 1-way journey, just like a rock you roll down a mountain while you stand on the top.

This hasn’t stopped Marxists with designs on a world govt. from blowing the issue out of proportion with lewd-sounding claims that the evil capitalist system is pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and causing the Earth to heat up to the point of Armageddon, hence must be shut down to save us. Sorry, even if CO2 were 10% of the atmosphere, that is, half the oxygen content, we might choke but won’t overheat. Moose hockey about acidity of the oceans is just special pleading after the main argument is seen through. The only threat to humanity here is what the Marxists want to do to the world in their mad attempt to destroy capitalism, no matter whom it hurts.

Back To The Dark Ages: German Greens Look To Ban All Industrial Farming - The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) (
What This Vatican Climate Change Speaker Is Calling For Is Very Scary (
Destroy Capitalism to Save the Climate, Argues New York Times Op-Ed (
Economists Have Been 'Useful Idiots' for the Green Socialists | Robert P. Murphy (
UN Chief Poses For Time Cover Off 'Sinking' Pacific Island That's Actually Growing | PSI Intl (
UN has NO PROOF of Carbon Dioxide Warming | PSI Intl (
Some reasons to be skeptical about climate alarm (
3 More New Papers Expose The Folly Of ‘Ocean Acidification’ Claims (

I’ve been proving that the CO2 greenhouse warming theory is based on fake physics with an ulterior purpose for anybody who will take a dare. How about you?

TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change (

How can I educate people who don’t know the facts about climate change?

My reply:

Is this a look-in-the-mirror question? To educate others, you first have to learn and ascertain the facts about climate change yourself. Unfortunately, the issue is deeply split between two camps with diametrically opposed views.  So where do you begin? There are thousands of books and hundreds of blogs spewing millions of words on the subject, if you have a hundred lifetimes to absorb it all, but I’m getting blue in the face shouting about my free Climatescope, which lays out the entire history of Earth’s climate and climate science history in a streamlined format, backed by hyperlinks to check facts and go deeper, including YouTube links. It’s an encyclopedic online course and reference that is daunting at first glance, but it should soon sink in that it shows you how ignorant you are about the subject just by laying out all the facts and challenging you to master them, a task that will take thousands of hours of hard study and thinking and can’t be faked. Maybe by the time you’re done you’ve solidified your initial views, more likely you’ve modified them, but now they’re backed by facts. Anybody want to take a dare? Warning: it presents all sides equally, guaranteeing that it will offend you if you can’t stay open-minded.

TLW's Climatescope™, by T.L. Winslow (TLW), "The Historyscoper"™ (

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Dramatic Moment When an Amazon Worker Asked Jeff Bezos to Protect Planet Earth The Amazon CEO stayed backstage as employees stood up to demand change in an unusual show of force


Labor anger over Green New Deal greets 2020 contenders in California

What This Vatican Climate Change Speaker Is Calling For Is Very Scary

Undersea gases could superheat the planet Carbon reservoirs on ocean floor caused global warming before -- and could do it again

Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Expects Global Cooling

Sea level will rise 3 to 5 metres by 2100 due to the sun, not CO2: humanity in deep trouble

U.S. think tank shuts down prominent center that challenged climate science

THE BIG LIE: The future is in Battery Electric Vehicles

The cost of this net zero madness? Even a trillion is an underestimate

The great hundred billion dollar+ renewable energy fleecing of American taxpayers & energy users

Destroy Capitalism to Save the Climate, Argues New York Times Op-Ed

Economists Have Been “Useful Idiots” for the Green Socialists

We Shouldn't Be Surprised Renewables Make Energy Expensive Since That's Always Been The Greens' Goal

Empirical Evidence Refutes Greenhouse Gas Theory

Ross McKitrick: This scientist proved climate change isn’t causing extreme weather — so politicians attacked

Energy And Environmental Newsletter – June 17th 2019

Culinary Arts Debunks Climate Change (video)

Monday, June 17, 2019

White House blocked intelligence agency’s written testimony calling climate change ‘possibly catastrophic’

THE TROPICAL SKIES Falsifying climate alarm

Examining the Latest False Alarm on Climate High seas won’t displace 187 million people—and the claim isn’t even new.

Some reasons to be skeptical about climate alarm

UN Chief Poses For Time Cover Off ‘Sinking’ Pacific Island That’s Actually Growing

Space Weather Affects Your Daily Life. It’s Time To Start Paying Attention

Crop Failure Year Looms – Ice Age Pattern?

UN Has NO PROOF Of Carbon Dioxide Warming

Place Blame For Recent Tornadoes Where It Belongs

Downsize Your House? Downsize Your Family? NPR Pushes Beto On Climate Crackdown

Saturday, June 15, 2019

The huge carbon footprint of the US military

Why do conservatives so badly want to believe that global warming is not real?

‘Book Burning’ And Climate Science

Common Sense Finally Coming To EPA With Cost-Benefit Analysis

Shutting Down Middle And Blue-Collar America

A Cult Based On Misinformation - Tony Heller (video)

Huge areas of forest destroyed to make way for 7 wind farms

Climate Craziness of the Week: Denmark evicting citizens to clear cut forests for wind turbines

Pope Francis Urges Carbon Penalties to Avert Climate ‘Catastrophe’

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard’s £1 Trillion Delusion

Cycles, Not Carbon Dioxide, Control Climate


Environmental Defense Fund Tortures Bayes To Claim EPA Scientists Are Wrong About Methane

Coolest/Wettest/Fewest Fires On Record (video)

Environmentalists Frustrated They Are Being Held Accountable

More of Big Green’s Money Machine

Hydrogen Station Explodes, Toyota Halts Sales Of Fuel Cell Cars — Is This The End?

Climate Security Confusion Abounds

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Costa Rica has just run on 100 percent renewable energy for 300 days


NUCLEAR ENERGY LEADERSHIP ACT Key Nuclear Legislation Gaining a House Version Bipartisan Virginia pair to be lead sponsors of NELA

When Coal Comes to Paradise As China pushes clean energy policies at home, it is exporting its high-pollution coal industry to pristine places like Kenya’s Lamu Island—with Nairobi’s seal of approval. Local residents fear it will destroy the environment they depend on.

Pete Buttigieg: ‘The Time Has Come to Treat Climate Disruption as the Security Issue That It Is’

How do you convince climate change deniers that it is not a conspiracy?

My reply:

This kind of question is a ringer, sorry. Before you ask people this, you should look in the mirror. The side that pushes CO2-driven anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is run by a gigantic open conspiracy centered in the insidious globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC and its global octopus of compromised politicians, scientists, academics, and journalists. For them to deny there is a conspiracy is like wanting us to deny that the Sun rises and sets. It’s an all-out war for world govt., and truth has long ago been chucked in the garbage because for them the end justifies the means and it’s all about control. They even got Big Oil to sell out to them in return for a piece of the renewable energy pie.

Big Oil Goes Big Green

Too bad for them, basic science pulls the rug under the feet of their CO2 greenhouse warming theory, and all they can do is close their minds and try to close their dupes’ minds by playing the name shame game while working to suppress them with every underhanded trick. Too bad for them, it’s not working as good as they want, and the truth is out there. In the end, it’s the AGW proponents who are proving to be the true closed-minded bigots.

Can Climate Modelers Be Serious?
Vilifying People Who Question Global Warming Is Anti-Science | PSI Intl
Science's Untold Scandal: Professional Societies' Sell Out on Climate Change | PSI Intl
Are Cute Arctic Puffins The Next Polar Bear Hoax?
National Parks Toss Signs Warning Of Melting Glaciers After Glaciers Fail To Melt
TLW's Climate Alarmistscope™, by T.L. Winslow (TLW), "The Historyscoper"™
TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change

Do you know any high-IQ climate change deniers/AGW skeptics?

Can Climate Modelers Be Serious?

Monday, June 10, 2019

Earth Is Nearly 520 Percent More Abundant Now Than in 1980

Labour discusses plans to bring in a 10-hour week and slash pay by 75 per cent under a radical scheme to tackle climate change

Climate change is real but normal. Why is no one talking about the Grand Solar Minimum?

US Tornado Activity At Record Low In 2018

The world's largest king penguin colony has collapsed, losing nearly 90 per cent of its population

No laughing matter: A recent study shows that nitrous-oxide emissions from thawing Alaskan permafrost are about 12 times higher than previously assumed.

Montana Glaciers Refusing To Cooperate - Tony Heller (video)

UK weather forecast: One month's worth of rain due to fall in ONE DAY

How much of an effect do we really have on global warming?

My reply:

The only global warming humans could cause would be short-lived, namely, a massive thermonuclear exchange, after which there wouldn’t be anybody left to talk about it. But the heat from the nukes would soon dissipate harmlessly to space, like happens every day with the Sun’s heat, and the climate would either stay the same or cool because of the dust kicked up, but never get warmer.
Read my lips. Only the Sun provides heat to the Earth daily via its radiation, and the atmosphere acts as a filter and capacitor to cool the surface at a controlled rate. The CO2 component is just part of this cooling process. It can never reradiate heat to the surface and heat it up more than the Sun originally did. This basic misunderstanding drives the CO2 greenhouse warming hoax. If you’re sitting on top of a mountain and observing an avalanche below, it doesn’t cause you to get colder because you don’t live down there. Similarly, after CO2 removes some of the Sun’s heat from the surface where we live, what it does up in the sky where we don’t live can’t affect us.

CO2 greenhouse warming hoaxers want you to believe a big lie about a mysterious dragon in the sky that they want you to pay them to slay, no results required and no refunds. Even worse, they don’t want you to know that all gases rise when they are heated, and that as they rise they automatically cool via the lapse rate formula g/h, where g is gravity and h is their heat capacity. Ever been in an open cockpit plane? It’s cold up there. The cold air up high can’t heat the Earth’s surface any more than a big block of ice on a kitchen table can heat the kitchen. The Earth’s atmosphere is a gigantic chimney not a greenhouse. CO2-driven “anthropogenic global warming” is a deliberate hoax pushed by the insidious globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC to foist world government, and not a scientific theory that holds water, sorry. Hopefully the public will wake up and tell them to stuff it.

It’s sad but true that the IPCC has hijacked the world’s academic and scientific institutions and organizations along with their publications, foisting a closed-minded bigoted regime that only gives their side. It’s no different than what Google, Facebook, and Twitter have been doing to conservatives, namely, censoring their views and pretending that only their pet leftist views are on the table. The minority of courageous scientists who risk their careers to tell the truth to power are to be admired all the more, not shut out.

Science's Untold Scandal: Professional Societies' Sell Out on Climate Change | PSI Intl
Vilifying People Who Question Global Warming Is Anti-Science | PSI Intl

Here’s my essay that’s waking people up to the truth that the CO2 greenhouse warming theory is a scientific hoax for political purposes:

TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change

I also provide the most extensive, detailed, and powerful historyscope of Earth’s climate and climate science history, which the IPCC doesn’t want you to study because it puts their Marxist plot in historical context and shows that there’s more sides than just theirs.

TLW's Climatescope One Year Anniversary | PSI Intl

Eli Roth’s “Green Inferno” Is a Metaphor for Today’s Environmental Movement

MPs Green Virtue Signalling Will Put Real Jobs At Risk

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Advertisers revolt after Sinclair-owned TV station pulls truth-telling meteorologist off the air

Green New Deal ‘Architect’: Climate Change Threat Like ’25 Holocausts’

Hiding The Heat Of The Past : The Massive Heatwave Of June 7, 1933 - Tony Heller (video)

Les déchets plastiques pourraient bientôt servir à faire voler les avions

US schools accused of censoring climate crisis message in graduation speeches

Testimony from Rod Schoonover: 'The National Security Implications of Climate Change'

Claims Of Insect Collapse Rubbished By New Study

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Frogs are dying off at record rates - an ominous sign the 6th mass extinction is hitting one group of creatures hardest

On The Flat Earth Rants Of Joe Postma by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

My reply:

So, you can cook a turkey at 350F (450K) for 4 hours, or -258F (112K) for 16 hours? 🙂 Just kidding, they’re talking about power not temperature.
Speaking of Buterball turkey, Spencer’s basic mistake is that he forgot about the T to the 4th power law P=T^4. If you quarter the power of the Sun, which is a Planck Blackbody Radiator, its effective temperature T doesn’t quarter with it.
(P2/P1) = 1/4 => (T2/T1)^4 = 1/4 => T2 = T1((1/4)^(1/4)) = T1(the fourth root of 1/4)= T1*0.707. (Actually, T1/sqrt(2)). For comparison, if you halve the power instead (1/2), you get .841.
That flat earth trick turns the Sun into a different Planck radiator with a 30% lower temperature. No wonder it can’t warm the Earth hotter than the Ice Ages 🙂 Not only that, but a lower effective temperature skews the power curve towards longer wavelengths, meaning less visual wavelength energy, red butter on the Butterball. What a blunder all these so-called climate scientists have been making, showing their collective intelligence to not even be equal to one smart person. 🙂 If they even took 2nd year calculus they should know how to integrate instantaneous solar flux over the 3-D surface of the rotating Earth for 24 hours like a turkey on a rotisserie and calculate the total energy deposited on each point of the Earth’s upper atmosphere, then assume no clouds and use the heat capacity of water and rock/soil to find the max surface temperatures reached without any radiation, just for starters before adding conduction, convection and radiation. Since their turkey is flat as a pancake because they’re stuck at 5th grader math, I bet I’ll still be waiting 5 years from now for these PhD’s to finally pass 2nd year calculus 🙂
Not that it matters how much visual wavelength power the Sun deposits on Earth’s surface per se, because it is all taken away by the atmosphere to the infinite heat sink of space and never returns, and only the Sun drives the climate system, not the miniscule fraction of CO2 in the atmosphere, which could double and not affect surface temperatures. The Earth’s climate control knob is the sun, no wonder they try to invent a dragon in the sky by turning its temperature knob down.
CO2 is not capable of heating the Earth’s surface, only cooling it. A balloon filled with CO2 can be heated by an infrared lamp, and all it will do is rise towards space, taking the heat energy with it, i.e., cooling the surface. All the gases in the atmosphere cool as they rise via the lapse rate formula g/h (gravity divided by heat capacity), meaning that it’s brrr cold up in the sky, and if you can show me the patent for your ice cube-powered flamethrower I might listen to your b.s. about the hot hot atmosphere warming the surface. The reason that the surface isn’t as cold as the Moon despite getting the same sunlight is due to the great mass of the atmosphere, which substitutes conduction and convection for radiation, slowing down the cooling process and raising the average temperature, i.e., a capacitor not a battery. For the same reason you can stick an iron poker in a fire and turn the tip red while your handle stays cool, anything with mass takes time to conduct heat. This is the real greenhouse effect.
Of course, the atmosphere is constantly redistributing all that surface heat on its way to space via winds, which with water added makes for unpredictable weather. But CO2 is not the magic climate control knob, sorry. The whole climate science outfit totally fails to understand that the Earth isn’t flat, which in this case means that Earth’s atmosphere isn’t a giant greenhouse it’s a giant chimney, hence the whole field needs revamped from the er, ground up, send me a billion and I’ll set up an academy to produce a brand new course like they did with BSCS biology 🙂
In short, CO2 greenhouse warming theory is b.s., and an entire generation of so-called climate scientists should demand their tuition back. Dopes like Spencer are literally educated beyond their intelligence, look at all them diagrams full of T^4s. Instead, they can learn some real climate science from moi by reading my free online essay and join the winner’s circle that knows that CO2 greenhouse warming theory is a political hoax for the scientifically illiterate to bilk them of huge sums and foist world govt. And I’m being kind to say hoax, because they all just can’t be this dumb.
Here’s my devastating essay that nobody can refute because it doesn’t treat the Earth as flat to push a hoax but tells the truth no matter whose income or ego it hurts.

'We All Owe Al Gore An Apology': More People See Climate Change In Record Flooding

Interview 1446 – James Corbett on The Post-Carbon Energy Eugenics Hoax (audiocast)

No Coal Power For Two Weeks? We Imported It Instead!

Flooding Ourselves With Valuable Water

The Massive Tornado Outbreak Of June 6, 1917 - Tony Heller (video)

Protecting Water Quality From Urban Runoff

How Bad Global Warming Science Hurts the Environmental Movement (video)

The Decline Of Weather Dependent Renewables In Europe: 2008 – 2018

Friday, June 7, 2019

A 2m Rise In Sea Level By 2100 Is Physically Impossible

Dem Gov Inslee Accuses Pres Trump of Treason Over Climate Change A 2020 democrat presidential candidate and Governor of Washington accused Pres Trump of treason, which is punishable by death, over his views on climate change. Let that sink in for a minute because when Leftists... Share Emoji

Is global warming inevitable ?

Global Warming Boosted The Roman Empire, Then Global Cooling Weakened It

Harrabin Promotes Eco-Loon’s “Subsidising Submarines” Claims

Unilateral Folly

TLW’s Climatescope One Year Anniversary

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Real Time Physics Debunks Climate Theory (video)

My reply:

Speaking of turkey, Spencer's basic mistake is that he forgot about the T to the 4th power law P=T^4. If you quarter the power of the Sun, its effective temperature T doesn't quarter with it.

(P2/P1) = (1/4) => (T2/T1)^4 = 1/4 => T2 = T1*((1/4)^(1/4)) = T1*((0.25)^(1/4)) = T1*0.707. (Actually, T1/sqrt(2)).

So, he's cooling the Sun by 30%, and wondering why the Earth is so cool all of a sudden :) Not that it matters how much visual wavelength power the Sun deposits on Earth's surface, it is all taken away by the atmosphere to the infinite heat sink of space and never returns, and only the Sun creates climate. The reason that the surface isn't as cold as the Moon is due to the great mass of the atmosphere, which substitutes conduction and convection for radiation, slowing down the cooling process and raising the average temperature.

There's no room there for a CO2 dragon in the sky, sorry, CO2 greenhouse warming theory is b.s. Read my essay when you have a spare week and join the winner's circle that knows that CO2 greenhouse warming theory is a political hoax for the scientifically illiterate to bilk them of huge sums and foist world govt.

What Is the Antarctic Volcanoes Project?

It's too bad the current brouhaha about CO2 is so narrowly focused. So what if a higher concentration in the atmosphere raises global average temps? If higher temps were accompanied by increased atmospheric moisture, it would even out around the world and turn it into a paradise planet, greening the deserts so that the teeming billions could be fed. Cold temperatures are inimical to life, not a goal of life.

Too bad, it might take a lot more CO2 than you think to really change the global weather, but not because it has any control over Earth's surface temperatures. In fact atmospheric CO2 can't melt an ice cube with its 15 micron main radiation wavelength that has a Planck radiation temperature of -80C, colder than dry ice (-78.5C).

Why do they call CO2 greenhouse gas? Because plants breathe it, and they pump it into greenhouses to help them grow and thrive. Polar regions and deserts look good in postcards, but who wants to live there. Meanwhile global pop. is zooming, so obviously the real answer is to pump more CO2 and water vapor into the atmosphere to turn the Earth into a greenhouse, turning deserts both hot and cold into lush green crop-growing regions like 35 million years ago when the avg. global temp was 88F and the CO2 level was 1K parts per million (vs. 415 PPM today). So what if we lose some desert polar regions and even some yummy coastline, the adjustments will be inconvenient but temporary, but I prefer shirt-sleeve weather to Frosty the Snowman. How many arctic animals can't adapt to a warmer climate? What animal needs to live in ice and snow and wouldn't like a vacation to Tahiti? They can lose the fat, hair or feathers.

The real question is can we make and keep the global CO2/H20 levels high enough, and for how long? Sooner or later mass global starvation will become unstoppable if world pop. keeps climbing, and this is the way to forestall it, if we act soon enough. Don't give me them Malthusian objections, give me some CO2/H20 solutions. I like a paradise Earth in the possibility window.

So, while the world is debating the horrors, extent or lack thereof of global warming caused by CO2, let's engineer the CO2/H20 solution to making the Earth a warm temperate planet from pole to pole with no deserts or ice wastelands, allowing vastly more food to be grown and turning poor nations rich. I DON'T mean a planet with wild swings between super-hot summers and super-cold winters, but one that is warmer than now everywhere, but moister and greener, with a giant network of plant life helping to avoid extremes. Since CO2 and water vapor are the keys, and the paltry amounts in the atmosphere need to be increased as soon as possible to turn deserts green and get the warming process off to a good start, but the new levels have to be maintained permanently, I'm looking to remote Antarctica (which is really a sea) as the most promising source for unlimited CO2 and water vapor generation, given that noxious emissions (sulfur dioxide, etc.) can be controlled.

This blog is for posting news on the world climate situation, scientific and political, along with my own articles. I'm sure it will start out with hardly any interest or followers, but I'm hoping that it will attract the smartest people eventually and in the end I hope for a global consensus that if it can be done it must be done.

So what is the Antarctic Volcanoes Project? My working idea is that an international effort to reactivate as many volcanoes in Antarctica as possible in an ideal location for distributing the CO2/H20 will produce the best and most cost-effective results. Sorry, one-worlders, it won't give you a license to override and control any country's economy, but if your country is suffering from lack of food you will be too busy expanding farming to care. Hence until I think of or hear about a better way to increase world CO2/H20 levels, this is my pet project. If you are a scientist, please climb aboard my AVP Express and let's make it happen.

It Would Be Funny If It Were's So Sad

It would be funny it weren't so sad, but when the scientists say "greenhouse gas" they are using a malaprop. It should be greenhouse GLASS, because that's why a greenhouse stays warm, by glass walls stopping convection of air and trapping heat. Yes, CO2 is pumped into greenhouses, but not for heating purposes, only to help plants BREATHE. So the whole sucker's game of "greenhouse gas" must truly be for the purpose of stopping more vegetation from growing and feeding the teeming billions. Is that their true goal? Another blip on the horizon is the promise of melting permafrost releasing gigantic amounts of CO2 from the Arctic not Antarctic sector. Let's hope we at least get some more good CO2 that way.

Jan. 14, 2011. Good article on CO2 levels and global temps 30-40 million years ago

Aug. 31, 2011. Giant pipe and balloon to pump water into the sky in climate experiment

May 31, 2013. Scientists find that higher CO2 levels green arid regions

Mar. 30, 2015. Higher atmospheric CO2 levels causing boom in vegetation

Aug. 2015. 'Unprecedented' volcanic eruption released enough water vapor to heat Earth: report

Aug. 15, 2017. Scientists find 91 new volcanoes miles beneath Antarctica's thick ice sheet

How Much CO2 Do Volcanoes Emit?

Will a major volcanic eruption fix climate change? - James Matkin

Part of the heat is coming from beneath our feet

Did any volcanoes erupt in 2020?

T.L. Winslow (TLW, the Historyscoper (tm)

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