The global Marxist politician-run U.N. IPCC/WEF octopus of anti-Big Oil leftists is trying to eat the world by weaponizing the fake greenhouse effect. Global warming is good not bad, and more not less CO2 and H20 need to be pumped into the atmosphere to create more living space and food supplies.
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Friday, May 31, 2019
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg is noted for writing that climate predictions are notorious unreliable just five years out, how accurate is the science behind the predictions? How do we know which solutions are truly effective?
DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government
Bjørn Lomborg - Wikipedia
The Skeptical Environmentalist - Wikipedia
How to Spend $75 Billion to Make the World a Better Place: Bjørn Lomborg,
Bjorn Lomborg: 9781940003030: Books
The Alarming Thing About Climate Alarmism
Analysis of "The Alarming Thing About Climate Alarmism"
The world gets better every day
Meanwhile those who only believe the opinions of degreed climate scientists have missed the boat, namely, that they are all miseducated to believe in fake physics AKA the CO2 greenhouse warming theory, that’s grown so mendacious that it has actually turned the Earth flat. Check this video out:
Think you know physics? Read my essay that devastatingly disproves the CO2 greenhouse warming theory and exposes it as a politically-motivated hoax, then tell me you respect a so-called climate science degree.
TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Are there any animals that are thriving due to global warming?
My reply:
Virtually all animals benefit from global warming as long as it stays in the livable zone like it is now and has been since forever. It’s cold that is bad. No animal needs it to be cold to live. They need it warm, and have to survive killer cold with fur, thick hides, fat, burrows, etc. These they can shed if they’re moved to a zoo in Hawaii, not really, maybe their offspring, real animals have to adapt or perish.All along the IPCC only claims 0.8C of total global avg. warming since 1880, which no animal can even detect because computers and global data collection are required. Even in the Arctic there’s a summer.
The global warming scare is a gigantic hoax pushed by the globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC and its gigantic octopus of politicians, scientists, and media people in order to foist global Marxism using CO2 as the scapegoat. The basic science is phony, and for many years there’s been an army of climate alarmist agitprop artists flooding the media with fake climate scare stories, which increase in volume yearly as the octopus goes in for the kill, their all-out attempt to bilk billions and trillions from the U.S. to go with more from Europe. And not to save the world from global warming, but to redistribute the wealth to poor countries in the name of Marxist racial justice without having to use that name and get refused.
DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government
Climate change scare stories reach the point of psychological TERRORISM... while scientists blame the fear on the "climate crisis"
Climate Alarmists Panicked Over “Climate Review Panel”
TLW's Climate Alarmistscope™, by T.L. Winslow (TLW), "The Historyscoper"™
Climate Alarmists Panicked Over “Climate Review Panel”
My reply:
This is a history question, which is up my alley. To this question the answer is yes and no.
On Aug. 22, 1981 The New York Times published a front-page story by Walter Sullivan titled
about NASA'a James Edward Hansen and his forthcoming global warming paper in Science, conceding that the past century's warming lays within the range of historical averages but predicting the emergence of an anthropogenic global warming signal, with the soundbytes:
"A team of Federal scientists says it has detected an overall warming trend in the earth's atmosphere extending back to the year 1880. They regard this as evidence of the validity of the 'greenhouse' effect, in which increasing amounts of carbon dioxide cause steady temperature increases. "The seven atmospheric scientists predict a global warming of 'almost unprecedented magnitude' in the next century. It might even be sufficient to melt and dislodge the ice cover of West Antarctica, they say, eventually leading to a worldwide rise of 15 to 20 feet in the sea level. In that case, they say, it would 'flood 25 percent of Louisiana and Florida, 10 percent of New Jersey and many other lowlands throughout the world' within a century or less."
"Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is primarily a result of mankind's burning of fuels, is thought to act like the glass of a greenhouse. It absorbs heat radiation from the earth and its
atmosphere, heat that otherwise would dissipate into space. Other factors being equal, the more carbon dioxide there is in the atmosphere, the warmer the earth should become, according to the theory";
"Dr. Hansen and his colleagues cite the observed surface temperatures of Mars and, particularly, Venus as support for their predicted greenhouse effect. The surface of Venus, with an atmosphere formed largely of carbon dioxide, is at about 900 degrees Fahrenheit";
"The possibility that the greenhouse effect could alter the earth's temperature has long been debated. Scientists have agreed that carbon dioxide is increasing, but disagree on whether temperatures are also increasing. The major difficulty in accepting the greenhouse theory 'has been the absence of observed warming coincident with the historic carbon dioxide increase,' the scientists wrote.
“Researchers were further confounded by an apparent cooling trend since 1940. As a result, many atmospheric scientists concluded that the climatic effects of increased carbon dioxide might not become detectable for many decades. But the Government scientists say they see clear evidence that carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution has already warmed the climate";
"Their conclusion that the climate has warmed by almost one degree in the last century is based on a re-analysis of global observations, paying special attention to the Southern Hemisphere.
'The common misconception that the world is cooling,' they say, 'is based on Northern Hemisphere experience to 1970.'"
Notice where it says Federal Government scientists. James Hansen was their leader, coopting NASA to his views to this day. From day one they’ve had an agenda to push CO2-driven global warming with not even the slightest hint of fairness and objectivity. So much for debate. And there is a new kid on the block. For decades now the evil insidious globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC has compromised scientists, academics, and journalists to push their agenda and shut down all debate, so if there ever will be a real honest fair one it will be possible only after they’re gone, sorry. Only Pres. Trump is attempting to organize a fair panel to investigate, which predictably is drawing howls from the IPCC octopus, who don’t want any debate to mess up their plans to bilk trillions in order to end capitalism and set up a Marxist utopia.
DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government
A Red Team Review Of Climate Crisis Assertions
Climate Alarmists Panicked Over “Climate Review Panel”
Science's Untold Scandal: Professional Societies' Sell Out on Climate Change | PSI Intl
Vilifying People Who Question Global Warming Is Anti-Science | PSI Intl
There’s a lot more to the history of climate science, all neatly laid-out in my free Climatescope, the best on the Net and a show-stopper with encyclopedic information. Study for an hour a day and in a year you’ll grow into a mental giant like moi :)
TLW's Climatescope™, by T.L. Winslow (TLW), "The Historyscoper"™
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
What reasons do people give for being climate change deniers? How do they typically view scientific facts?
This question is loaded, sorry. Nobody denies that climate ever changes. But yes, many people are climate science deniers, rejecting the current version of climate science that touts the CO2 greenhouse warming theory and its spinoffs to blame humans for all climate change. To reduce such a momentous subject to name-calling totally trivializes it for political gain. Take the UK Guardian for example, which has recently been trying to up the ante on the language, calling global warming global heating, and climate change deniers climate science deniers. Oh yes, I agree with the last one :)
Too bad for UK Guardian, the CO2 greenhouse warming theory is wrong from the starting blocks, and the total failure of so-called climate science to face this truth exposes it as a masquerade for the globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC, which has evil plans to foist global Marxism on the world using CO2 as the whipping boy and boogie man, with the end justifying the means.
DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government
Since the scientific basis is shaky, the IPCC has been busy trying to turn global warming so-called science into a religion for scientific ignoramuses, and finding plenty of dupes who have bought it hook, line and sinker.
Think you know physics? Then read my devastating disproof of the CO2 greenhouse warming theory, exposing it as a political plot dressed up as physics.
TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change
Monday, May 27, 2019
Scientists for climate change have many proofs. Do Anti climate change scientists have any proofs of their own?
My reply:
Scientists pushing the CO2 greenhouse warming theory have no proofs, because the theory is bogus fake science based on wilfully confusing the temperatures of the air at Earth’s surface with temperatures way up in the sky. In practice those pushing mysterious easily-doctored statistical global warming dominate the U.N. IPCC and its gigantic octopus of politicians and scientists, and can’t be reasoned with because they have closed minds and only want to get their hands on big bucks after the climate alarmist industry does their dirty work.
The CO2 greenhouse warming theory is fake science? Let’s say we have a hot air balloon filled with CO2 on the ground, and you beam IR energy at it. Let’s say that the CO2 absorbs the IR and heats up. Then what? It will become lighter than air and rise towards the sky, taking the heat energy with it, thereby cooling the Earth’s surface where we live. There could be a million or billions of such balloons and the result is just more and more cooling of the Earth’s surface as the balloons take the heat energy into the sky, cooling via the lapse rate and eventually dissipating any remaining energy in space, where it is harmless to us on the surface. This is the biggest scientific hoax since Lysenko, and it’s being pushed by globalist Marxists bent on destroying the fossil fuel energy industry and capitalism itself. Don’t buy it. You don’t have to have a degree in physics to smell a rat. Keep your wallet safe from these con artists.
There have been many publications by scientists disproving the CO2 greenhouse warming theory. If you haven’t heard of them even on Quora you might wake up that you’re being manipulated by an octopus bent on withholding vital information so they can keep pushing their fraud to get your money. Behind the scenes they’ve long been busy suppressing any scientists not backing the party line, then engaging in ad hominem attacks when they can’t be silenced. Sorry, the truth will win.
Vilifying People Who Question Global Warming Is Anti-Science | PSI Intl
Rewriting The Past At The Ministry Of Truth | PSI Intl
Report: U.S. Owes the World $1 Trillion for Carbon Emissions
Ned Ryun: Green New Deal Is "Coercive Socialism," In Other Words, Communism
‘Extinction Crisis’ Speciously Targets Free Markets
Marc Morano on Panel 5B: Battling Russia and America’s Big Green Machine
Read the truth about CO2 greenhouse warming here:
Heat Flow Science Discredits Greenhouse Gas Theory | PSI Intl
Why greenhouse Gas Warming is Physically Impossible | PSI Intl
Earth cannot heat itself by it's own radiation | PSI Intl
Back Radiation does not Create a Greenhouse Effect
Top Aussie Scientist Reveals UN IPCC Greenhouse Gas 'Errors' | PSI Intl
TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Friday, May 24, 2019
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
To what extent is climate change just a propaganda ruse meant to scare and guilt the public into a generally leftist view across the board?
No matter the cause, propagandists will turn black white and white black to get their hands on the green. When it comes to the Great CO2 Greenhouse Gas Warming Hoax, it’s a no-brainer that the insidious globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC and its octopus of compromised scientists and politicians have their eyes on bilking trillions from the developed world (mainly the U.S.) to foist a global Marxist regime that reduces every country to a vassal state in a world govt. Of course the bastion of freedom U.S. of A. is their main obstacle, and main battlefront, because if they fall the world will be their oyster. The great Internet is still not under their control, and the truth is being spread no matter what they can do to stop it or brainwash people into not looking at it by accusing the authors of all kinds of nasty isms because they can’t refute their arguments.
It’s the Big Green Machine lobbying for the IPCC that has the big bucks at its disposal. No wonder that they regularly try to frame the fossil fuel industry and Big Oil as the bad guys, sometimes pointing to miniscule amounts of funding for so-called climate denier scientists, sometimes years back, while ignoring the fact that Big Oil long ago switched sides and sold out to the Green lobby in order to make a deal for big bucks for renewable energy. The thin line of responsible climate scientists who know that CO2 doesn’t cause global warming are living on shoestrings in comparison, but fight for the truth whether it pays or not. Too bad, the public isn’t buying the flood of absurd climate alarmist agitprop articles that try to make a mountain out of a mole hill, and the big buck tap is still just a drip.
Big Oil fuels the Climate Campaign | PSI Intl
Mainstream media don't know Big Green has deeper pockets than Big Oil
Report: U.S. Owes the World $1 Trillion for Carbon Emissions
Beyond Partisan Ideology and Big-Oil Interests: Why Climate Skepticism Thrives
The Mechanics of Climate Alarm
ELECTORAL POISON : All Around The Globe, The Silent Majority Are Rejecting Climate Change Hysteria And The Ruinous UNreliables Agenda
‘Emergency!’ Guardian Goes Activist With ‘Global Heating’ Style Guide
The “Great Dying” Has Begun. Only Transforming the Economy Can Stop It.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Monday, May 20, 2019
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Friday, May 17, 2019
Sensors at the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii indicated that concentrations of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, have reached 415 parts of Carbon Dioxide per million - are we racing towards a state very different from what civilization developed in?
My reply:
The whole con game runs off the Mauna Loa measurements, which have steadily increased year by year starting with 313 ppm in 1958. True, this basic scientific measurement is undeniable, but 415 ppm is only 4.15 parts per ten thousand, and should be of no concern if the IPCC hasn’t blown it out of proportion.
ESRL Global Monitoring Division
Based solely on the Mauna Loa figures, the IPCC colossus has been orchestrating a plot to bilk the U.S. and other fossil fuel-using nations of trillions and distribute it to poor nations in Africa and elsewhere as a form of reparations for our sins, when actually they need to help those nations develop their own fossil fuel industries while they help build enough nuclear power plants for everybody permanently. As hardened Marxists, they don’t care about science, but think they’re outsmarting mainly white people to pay reparations to non-white people for past centuries of oppression, what they call racial justice, when whites haven’t been buying the idea of paying for the sins of their long-dead ancestors by handing their hard-earned wealth the descendants like a free handout.
The scientific con game is to confute infrared fingerprint radiation emitted by all organic molecules and used for identification with fictitious “back radiation”, heavy-duty heat radiation allegedly coming from the CO2 in the sky, making it a second Sun. There is no such physical quantity as back radiation. They just start by measuring fingerprint radiation and run it through Byzantine ad-hoc climate models to produce the fake final figures, currently 327 watts per square meter. Sit in your kitchen and turn on three 100-watt bulbs and a 30-watt bulb on your kitchen table and see if this feels like sitting outdoors at your picnic table on a cloudy day.
Only the most tawdry mendacious special pleading can make this miniscule fraction into a threat to civilization, sorry. Each CO2 molecule is outnumbered about 2500-to-1 by oxygen and nitrogen molecules. Even if a CO2 molecule heats up by 1C, the 2500 surrounding molecules will drag their combined increased temperature down to 1/2500 C. One hot brick in a building doesn’t heat up the building, it’s basic thermodynamics.
415 ppm of CO2 is miniscule compared to history, which has seen 2000 ppm during the Dinosaur Age. It’s barely enough to keep the planet green, not a hazard. How insidious to even talk about removing CO2 from the atmosphere, when that would threaten the existence of plants, on which our lives truly depend.
See an experienced scientist tearing the CO2 greenhouse warming theory to shreds based on basic physics arguments that the IPCC colossus can’t answer, instead resorting to attempts at ostracism and suppression.
Global Warming Contrived Through Fake Science.
Here’s some more good reads that will open your eyes.
The 'Hoax' That is Climate Change! - Jonathan E. P. Moore
Media Attacks. CFACT Rebuts. Media Retreats.
RISING CO2 Levels Boost Agricultural Productivity, Human Health
Marc Morano Interview On Climactic UN Species Report
NPR Host: Instill Fear By Saying Climate Change Will Cause Human Extinction: ‘Everyone You Love Will Die!
Read my unanswerable essay that devastates the CO2 greenhouse warming theory with cogent logic. Few who read it still feel threatened by CO2.
TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
How exactly is the atmosphere affected by climate change?
The globalist Marxists of the IPCC octopus have long been trying to destroy capitalism, starting with its main engine the fossil fuel industry, and with them the end justifies the means. Despite their tawdry mendacious lies, there’s no need to fear CO2 emissions. Indeed, CO2 is great for the Earth, promising greening and more food for all. Every time you see U.N. Frankenscientists frame CO2 on being bad in any way, tell them to jump in the lake, you’re not buying it.
RISING CO2 Levels Boost Agricultural Productivity, Human Health
Here’s my free essay laying out the proof that CO2 greenhouse warming theory is a scientific hoax based on false physics. One read and you should be free of the hoax forever. No, it won’t teach you everything worth knowing about climate science, but the framing of CO2 as a climate control knob will be devastated forever, and hopefully climate scientists will wake up and revamp their entire approach to take CO2 out of the loop, whether the IPCC likes it or not.
TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Monday, May 13, 2019
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Friday, May 10, 2019
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Why do climate scientist most always adjust data deviance in favor of global warming?
My reply:
This question would better be worded: Why are climate scientists accused of always adjusting past temperature data in favor of global warming?
This accusation is not limited to global warming skeptics. Former U.N. IPCC chmn. Robert Wilson once uttered the soundbyte about temperature data tampering:
"The mistakes all appear to have gone in the direction of making it seem like climate change is more serious by overstating the impact. That is worrying. The IPCC needs to look at this trend in the errors and ask why it happened."
Robert Watson (scientist) - Wikipedia (
IPCC scientist dismisses furore over climate change report (
IPCC 'must investigate report bias' (
By now data tampering to bolster the CO2 greenhouse warming narrative is literally the stock and trade of NOAA and NASA. Too bad, they seem immune to criticism and have no plans to retract their fraudulent data or apologize. There’s too much money at stake, so they let the gigantic climate alarmist agitprop industry generate cover stories instead.
Too bad, they still can’t hide the fact that U.S. temps peaked in 1930–40 while atmospheric CO2 was low, and tanked in 1960–77 while it was high. Instead they like to show a graph starting in the late 1800s and ending this year, with the end points bracketing everything in the middle, allowing them to draw a fakey “trend line” right through the roller-coaster graph, as if it’s the real data not a computer-generated line for purposes of whitewashing. They really want you to project the trend line to 2100 and wet your pants with sheer terror as you pull out your wallet to pay them to save you, or actually, your descendants.
Visualizing NOAA/NASA US Data Tampering (
NASA Now Tampering With Raw Data Too (
Top NASA Climate 'Data Fraudster' Named & Shamed | PSI Intl ( ( (
Yes, NOAA must adjust data — but its climate record really is quite wrong (
Lower 48 States Just Experienced the Warmest Winter on Record | The Weather Channel (
UN calls for international tax to raise $400 billion to finance development needs (
Monday, May 6, 2019
Which countries are benefiting from global warming?
My reply:
CO2-driven global warming is a hoax, but since money is the goal, the world’s non-white countries are the intended beneficiary if the globalist Marxists centered in the U.N. IPCC can talk rich white countries via lying climate alarmist stories into handing over their hard-earned wealth for redistribution under the guise of atoning for CO2 emissions, when really they know it will be used for the Marxist purpose of global racial justice, starting with destroying the sovereignty of the too-white U.S. and merging it into a One World Govt. (OWG) after most of the world’s population is exterminated, yuk yuk.
UN calls for international tax to raise $400 billion to finance development needs
Report: U.S. Owes the World $1 Trillion for Carbon Emissions
Ned Ryun: Green New Deal Is "Coercive Socialism," In Other Words, Communism
The Mechanics of Climate Alarm
TLW's Climate Alarmistscope™, by T.L. Winslow (TLW), "The Historyscoper"™
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Friday, May 3, 2019
How are animals affected by climate change?
My reply:
Ever hear of the theory of Darwinian evolution? Animals adapt to climate change. The existence of polar bears, penguins, walruses, etc., shows how well this has worked, n’est ce pas? If climate changes again, ditto will happen. Too bad, the insidious globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC has long been pushing the CO2 greenhouse warming hoax, and hijacking scientific organizations to scare the world into coughing up billions and trillions to either atone for it or stop it.
Only socialism can solve global warming crisis say Communists
Good news: There’s nothing to stop. There is no global warming, despite a plethora of so-called scientific articles and paprs blaming climate change for all kinds of dire consequences to flora and fauna, even maple syrup. This is seen to be prostituted bunk when the actual claimed global warming is only 0.8C since 1880. No plant or animal could even sense such a small statistical computer-generated quantity much less need to adapt to it. The temperature rises and falls more than this daily in just minutes. Show me an animal with an Apple watch that records and compiles yearly average temperature then reads it out in animal language so they can suddenly freak and overreact :) The prostituted alarmist articles and papers all have another more likely explanation, e.g., famine/overpopulation, predators, human incursion/pollution.
World of Change: Global Temperatures
Here’s one recent example. The hoaxer community pushed a narrative about starving polar bears caused by guess what global warming, which turned out to be bunk.
If You Are An Alarmist, You Will Find This Report UNBEARABLE! | PSI Intl
Recently David Attenborough tried to claim that some walruses jumped off a cliff because of their frustration with climate change, when actually they were scared by some polar bears.
Why Attenborough’s Walrus Claims Are Fake.
Another hoax was that global warming was causing coral bleaching and threatening the existence of the Great Barrier Reef. Actually, bleaching happens in a natural cycle and coral always recovers naturally.
After El Nino Bleaching, Coral Reefs Now Recovering | PSI Intl
Want more? For funners, here’s my growing list of climate alarmist agitprop articles, all promulgated with the open or concealed goal of supporting IPCC’s long-range plan of destroying capitalism and foisting world Marxism and its slavery on the entire human race. One day these articles will hopefully be treated as jokes.
TLW's Climate Alarmistscope™, by T.L. Winslow (TLW), "The Historyscoper"™
Sometimes I wish climate change were real and is being caused by our basic primal life gas CO2. Too bad, climate is caused by the Sun and the galactic forces acting upon it, and CO2 has nothing to do with it. Physics makes it impossible for atmospheric CO2 to send heat back to the surface and become a second Sun. That’s a hoax perpetrated by the IPCC hydra for power and greed.
See my proof at: TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change
Would it be better for the United States to just forget about climate change and pretend it never happened?
My reply:
Right on. If the people of the U.S. haven’t figured out by now that global warming is a globalist Marxist hoax peddled by the U.N. IPCC, they need to and quick. The best weather stations are in the U.S., and they show no global warming worth speaking of, while it’s the faulty weather stations outside the U.S. that the IPCC bases its lying global temperature measurements and predictions on, which is just the reverse of good scientific procedure that puts reliable measurements ahead of unreliable ones. The climate is beyond human control, and we can emit all the CO2 we want into the atmosphere and it won’t change it, but fortunately it will nourish the world’s vegetation and help feed the world’s teeming population. Therefore hurting our own people with burdensome taxes and regulations is pure bad. Pres. Trump isn’t falling for it, and it isn’t a political (Democrat-Republican) thing, it’s pure science. Instead of the sick self-defeating Marxist Green New Deal, the U.S. needs a Nuclear New Deal, with the goal of putting enough nuclear power stations in operation to supply all our needs permanently. It will be like the Moon Race, only we won’t be sending money into space but investing it here in our country.
Does Overproduction of CO2 Harm the Environment?
Prove to yourself that CO2 greenhouse warming theory is a scientific hoax with political-economic and social engineering motives with my cool essay.
TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change
Is carbon really causing the rise in earth's temperature?
My reply:
Ever found out that you’ve been lied to? And just to get into your wallet? Take the evil insidious globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC hydra that has hijacked the world’s scientific organizations and governments for instance. “Carbon pollution” really sounds bad, doesn’t it? Too bad, real carbon pollution would be SOOT in the atmosphere, which would COOL the Earth’s surface, not warm it. They’re not talking about carbon (C), or even poisonous carbon monoxide (CO), but carbon dioxide (CO2), a clear safe clean green life-sustaining food for plants, cynically attempting to frame it as evil because no matter how hard the fossil fuel industry tries to eliminate real pollutants, it will still emit CO2, and the total atmospheric concentration has been steadily rising from 300 ppm to 400 ppm, so putting two and two together and getting three they want to frame CO2 in order to shut the fossil fuel industry down completely. And substitute it with what, safe nuclear energy? No, unworkable unreliable unsustainable solar and wind power. Meanwhile there are signs of a coming ice age, meaning that a world dependent on wind and solar would starve and freeze.
'Carbon Dioxide is the Real Green Deal' Says Climate Expert
Batteries cannot make renewables reliable
The $2.5 Trillion Reason We Can’t Rely on Batteries to Clean up the Grid
New Satellite Data Confirm Real World Temperature Cooler Than Climate Models
Ned Ryun: Green New Deal Is "Coercive Socialism," In Other Words, Communism
Majority of Brits unwilling to cut back to fight climate change, poll finds
GWPF Slam Zero Carbon Proposals As Irresponsible & Arbitrary
Offshore Wind Costs–Facts v Propaganda
BILL GATES Slams Unreliable Wind & Solar: ‘Let’s Quit Jerking Around With Renewables & Batteries’
Gov. Inslee: 'We Have to Decarbonize Our Entire Economy in the Next Several Decades'
Hot and Indigestible Carbon Dioxide
Report: U.S. Owes the World $1 Trillion for Carbon Emissions
Rocketing Carbon Prices & A Stagnant Economy–Welcome To The EU Fantasy World
The Real Cost Of Decarbonisation Revealed By Sir David MacKay In 2011
Wake up and smell the odorless carbon dioxide. CO2 has no power to send heat removed from the surface by convection and radiation back to the surface. It’s just part of the atmosphere that removes surface heat deposited by the Sun and vents it harmlessly to space. 14.7 pounds per square inch means something real. If a balloon filled with CO2 were to somehow absorb so much surface radiation that it grew red-hot, that would only cause it to become lighter and rise to space faster, taking all that heat with it. Never can it land back on earth without shedding its heat first, and that heat would be absorbed by the surrounding oxygen and nitrogen molecules and continue its rise to space. Even an H-bomb exploded on the Earth’s surface does its hot work fast, and the heat is soon vented up into space like everything else.
So Earth’s atmosphere is a giant chimney, not a greenhouse. The fact that convection interferes with and absorbs radiation, and is slower than radiation is what makes the atmosphere a blanket, not the miniscule CO2 fraction in it. With no atmosphere, heat could only be removed by pure radiation like on the Moon, which suffers temperature extremes unlike the Earth, whose atmosphere moderates the swings and makes the surface livable. Don’t fix something that ain’t broke. Leave the climate alone and rejoice if it gets warmer and life becomes more comfortable. Worry only about a coming ice age, when we will need all the fossil fuels we can get.
I’m dumber than a what? Sorry, I’m a physics freak from way back when most of you were probably not born yet. How about you? Do you know as much physics as a 5th grader? I can explain to you why the CO2 greenhouse warming theory is a hoax based on junk physics that relies on the public being full of physics ignoramuses while the scientists rake in the big bucks for their organizations and the U.N. for ulterior purposes that have nothing to do with science but globalist Marxism.
Only socialism can solve global warming crisis say Communists
TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change
Will snow become a thing of the past because of global warming?
My reply:
Yes, if there really were global warming, winters would be snow-free. Too bad, there’s been no real global warming, and instead we’ve been seeing record snowfalls, so the U.N. IPCC octopus that pushes the global warming hoax has had to work overtime to hand-wave the facts away in the face of record atmospheric CO2 levels. Some have actually claimed that record snowfalls are caused by global warming :)
Record Snowfall Across Himalayas Blamed On … Global Warming
CO2 is a virtual second Sun in the sky that warms the Earth’s surface? What happens to all that CO2 during cold spells? Does it freeze and fall to the ground as dry ice? :) Clearly, the CO2 greenhouse warming theory has some big problems, and doesn’t jive with reality. And don’t blame me, I’m just the messenger.
January–February 2019 North American cold wave - Wikipedia
More than 200 million Americans will see snow, rain, ice or a wintry mix
Rare Snow Storm Hits Los Angeles
Weather Picture of the Day : DESERT SNOW IN ARIZONA
Record SNOWFALL in Hawaii | PSI Intl
Teen Hauls In $35,000 from Plowing Record Snowfall in Seattle
'Snownado' touches down on Navajo reservation
Look up the Ordovician Period on Wikipedia and find out that there was once a million-year ice age while atmospheric CO2 was 11x what it is today. Imagine the IPCC trying to hand-wave that away for a million years :)
Ordovician - Wikipedia
No surprise, new satellite data has recently forced NASA to admit that global warming is going at a rate of only 1.5C per century, not way above that at an Armageddon clip like the IPCC octopus has been claiming. Tell AOC that she’s going to die of old age before it happens and not just be turning 40 and trying to look 30.
New Satellite Data Confirm Real World Temperature Cooler Than Climate Models
Real physics isn’t a political football for the U.N. Anybody can learn why the iron laws of thermodynamics destroy the CO2 greenhouse warming theory and expose it as a scientific hoax with political-economic and social engineering motivations.
TLW's Two Cents Worth on Climate Change
What Is the Antarctic Volcanoes Project?
It's too bad the current brouhaha about CO2 is so narrowly focused. So what if a higher concentration in the atmosphere raises global average temps? If higher temps were accompanied by increased atmospheric moisture, it would even out around the world and turn it into a paradise planet, greening the deserts so that the teeming billions could be fed. Cold temperatures are inimical to life, not a goal of life.
Too bad, it might take a lot more CO2 than you think to really change the global weather, but not because it has any control over Earth's surface temperatures. In fact atmospheric CO2 can't melt an ice cube with its 15 micron main radiation wavelength that has a Planck radiation temperature of -80C, colder than dry ice (-78.5C).
Why do they call CO2 greenhouse gas? Because plants breathe it, and they pump it into greenhouses to help them grow and thrive. Polar regions and deserts look good in postcards, but who wants to live there. Meanwhile global pop. is zooming, so obviously the real answer is to pump more CO2 and water vapor into the atmosphere to turn the Earth into a greenhouse, turning deserts both hot and cold into lush green crop-growing regions like 35 million years ago when the avg. global temp was 88F and the CO2 level was 1K parts per million (vs. 415 PPM today). So what if we lose some desert polar regions and even some yummy coastline, the adjustments will be inconvenient but temporary, but I prefer shirt-sleeve weather to Frosty the Snowman. How many arctic animals can't adapt to a warmer climate? What animal needs to live in ice and snow and wouldn't like a vacation to Tahiti? They can lose the fat, hair or feathers.
The real question is can we make and keep the global CO2/H20 levels high enough, and for how long? Sooner or later mass global starvation will become unstoppable if world pop. keeps climbing, and this is the way to forestall it, if we act soon enough. Don't give me them Malthusian objections, give me some CO2/H20 solutions. I like a paradise Earth in the possibility window.
So, while the world is debating the horrors, extent or lack thereof of global warming caused by CO2, let's engineer the CO2/H20 solution to making the Earth a warm temperate planet from pole to pole with no deserts or ice wastelands, allowing vastly more food to be grown and turning poor nations rich. I DON'T mean a planet with wild swings between super-hot summers and super-cold winters, but one that is warmer than now everywhere, but moister and greener, with a giant network of plant life helping to avoid extremes. Since CO2 and water vapor are the keys, and the paltry amounts in the atmosphere need to be increased as soon as possible to turn deserts green and get the warming process off to a good start, but the new levels have to be maintained permanently, I'm looking to remote Antarctica (which is really a sea) as the most promising source for unlimited CO2 and water vapor generation, given that noxious emissions (sulfur dioxide, etc.) can be controlled.
This blog is for posting news on the world climate situation, scientific and political, along with my own articles. I'm sure it will start out with hardly any interest or followers, but I'm hoping that it will attract the smartest people eventually and in the end I hope for a global consensus that if it can be done it must be done.
So what is the Antarctic Volcanoes Project? My working idea is that an international effort to reactivate as many volcanoes in Antarctica as possible in an ideal location for distributing the CO2/H20 will produce the best and most cost-effective results. Sorry, one-worlders, it won't give you a license to override and control any country's economy, but if your country is suffering from lack of food you will be too busy expanding farming to care. Hence until I think of or hear about a better way to increase world CO2/H20 levels, this is my pet project. If you are a scientist, please climb aboard my AVP Express and let's make it happen.
It Would Be Funny If It Were's So Sad
It would be funny it weren't so sad, but when the scientists say "greenhouse gas" they are using a malaprop. It should be greenhouse GLASS, because that's why a greenhouse stays warm, by glass walls stopping convection of air and trapping heat. Yes, CO2 is pumped into greenhouses, but not for heating purposes, only to help plants BREATHE. So the whole sucker's game of "greenhouse gas" must truly be for the purpose of stopping more vegetation from growing and feeding the teeming billions. Is that their true goal? Another blip on the horizon is the promise of melting permafrost releasing gigantic amounts of CO2 from the Arctic not Antarctic sector. Let's hope we at least get some more good CO2 that way.
Jan. 14, 2011. Good article on CO2 levels and global temps 30-40 million years ago
Aug. 31, 2011. Giant pipe and balloon to pump water into the sky in climate experiment
May 31, 2013. Scientists find that higher CO2 levels green arid regions
Mar. 30, 2015. Higher atmospheric CO2 levels causing boom in vegetation
Aug. 2015. 'Unprecedented' volcanic eruption released enough water vapor to heat Earth: report
Aug. 15, 2017. Scientists find 91 new volcanoes miles beneath Antarctica's thick ice sheet
How Much CO2 Do Volcanoes Emit?
Will a major volcanic eruption fix climate change? - James Matkin
Part of the heat is coming from beneath our feet
Did any volcanoes erupt in 2020?
T.L. Winslow (TLW, the Historyscoper (tm)
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