My reply:
[[Happer understands the field of physics needed to understand how the greenhouse effect keeps the globe warmer than it would be otherwise and the practical limits of warming from increasing CO2. About 20 minutes into the presentation, Happer discusses radiation transmitted by the atmosphere and the importance of greenhouse gases in keeping the earth from freezing deeply at night. The most important greenhouse gas is water vapor (to include clouds), CO2 is secondary. The Earth’s average surface temperature is about 60 F (16 C), without greenhouse gases it would be about 16 F (minus 9 C).
About 24 minutes into the presentation, Happer presents two graphs. One is based on Max Planck’s curve of frequency of the radiation and thermal power to space. The second is based on Karl Schwarzschild’s calculations of the blocking effect of greenhouse gases. (These calculations have been confirmed by decades of observations and experiments.)]]
This is a pack of falsehoods and half-truths. Happer understands the field of physics? Nobody understands the entire field, sorry. The above shows that he doesn't understand Planck's Radiation Law and its deep implications, and has fallen for the crackpot Looney Tunes fake science of the IPCC that literally turns the Earth flat to justify claiming that the Sun can't keep the Earth from freezing. In reality there are no such things as greenhouse gases, and if Happer really knew physics he'd have been fighting this IPCC Big Lie tooth and nail for decades. Instead, he tries to play footsie with it, playing into their hands by dancing with the Devil in the pale moonlight. What a wasted career.
Too bad, too many academics are educated beyond their intelligence, which comes about from starting out narrow and going deeper but never going broad. Climate science is one so-called field where you must start broad first and go deep second or you'll be digging yourself into a hole for life.
Will the horse drink? I wonder if Happer is too proud or too old to relearn climate science with solid scientific principles that cross disciplines? Then here's what he needs,my free online Climate Science 101 course, the result of 50+ years of studying physics while staying outside the academic system and its pressures to stay narrow and never think for oneself.If you persevere and finish the course, you can clearly see how the IPCC has turned climate science upside-down and inside-out for their political goal of foisting global Marxism and refute every one of their lies.
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