Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Case Against Net Zero


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Volkswagen commissions CO2-eating murals in Toronto, Edmonton and Calgary


The Heart of Climate Deception Temperature



My reply:

Why do non-Marxists act so tolerant and even sheepish when they dump garbage in their faces and order them to eat it?

Global Marxists are busy trying to subvert and take over the West every day, and have captured the entire EU political brass along with the U.S. Democratic Party brass and a lot of the Repub. Party brass. Only hero Pres. Trump stands up against them openly, and you can see them throwing everything they can at him to stop him from returning to the White House. Even if he does, they will just get dirtier, requiring us to solidify our support for the strong measures he will have to take, mindful of their ultimate goal of putting us all in camps or worse.

Why did it take so long since the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union to get this powerful? Their real power comes from the CO2 global warming scam run by the global Marxist politician-run U.N. IPCC octopus, which they’ve eagerly used to bilk trillions, with plans to make it hundreds of trillions, funneling money into all their Marxist projects like border erasing.

(1034) TL Winslow’s answer to Is there any evidence to support the claim that global warming and climate change are scams? – Quora

When you’re dealing with Marxists, all they want to know is if you’re a non-Marxist so they can dump garbage in your face and hope you like it. That’s what the greenhouse effect is, a shameless attempt to frame their archenemy Big Oil as being evil so they can become our saviors by foisting govt. policies to tax and sue them out of existence, i.e., make you pay to destroy your children’s future. The crusade against Pres. Trump and against Big Oil are by the same conspirators, with the same validity, NONE.

It’s almost ridiculously easy to disprove the greenhouse effect, but they never cared because they manufacture Marxists who never think for themselves but just take orders, making it futile for us to try to reach them. We should realize that we are heavily suppressed in trying to reach the remaining non-Marxists and face even stiffer odds trying to motivate them into organizing to fight back because they are trying to make “climate deniers” into enemies of the state.

Physicists’ Lab Experiment Shows A CO2 Increase From 0.04% To 100% Leads To No Observable Warming (notrickszone.com)

(1034) TL Winslow’s answer to What could potentially disprove an entire field of science, such as climate change? – Quora

Wake up before it’s too late!

(1034) TL Winslow’s answer to How would society and politics be affected if global warming was proven to be a hoax? – Quora

New EPA Rule Will Bankrupt Small Cattle Ranchers & Meat Processors | FALLOUT (video)


Saturday, April 27, 2024

How to spot five of the fossil fuel industry’s biggest disinformation tactics


Data Scientist Reveals Climate Crisis' Hidden Toll on Sleep and Learning


"What steps can we take to address pressing global challenges such as climate change, poverty, or political instability?"? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Measurements of methane and nitrous oxide in human breath and the development of UK scale emissions


Can you provide examples of politicians denying climate change and how it impacts policies aimed at addressing it? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Landmark Study Proves Carbon Emissions CANNOT Cause Global Warming


Friday, April 26, 2024

US Taxpayers Hit With $425 Billion For Wind & Solar Subsidies Over Next Decade


It Has Begun, Schools Now Serving Mealworms To Children For Lunch Because They….


Congress Republicans Demand Answers From The IEA


Biden Squanders Border Wall Cash on Climate Initiatives, Shocking Watchdog Report Unveils!


2024 State of Climate Alarmism - In The Tank #446 (Heartland) (video)


Grand Solar Power Rush Ends With Panels Being Used As Garden Fencing


Climate Change Weekly #504: Climate Solutions Cause Environmental Damage and Hazards


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

WATCH: An Honest & Sensible Conversation about Global Energy | Scott Tinker (video)


MUST WATCH: Climate Activists Find Out It’s Not a Good Idea to Try to Rush the Stage at Murkowski Event


Major EV Maker Releases Devastating News – Killing Biden’s “Green New Deal”


Global warming, biowarfare and Pandemic Treaty grifters congregate to raise funds


Scientists deliver ‘final warning’ on climate crisis: act now or it’s too late. IPCC report says only swift and drastic action can avert irrevocable damage to world


There’s Nothing “Scientific” About Climate Models


Is everything that scientists say trustworthy, such as their claims about the reality of climate change? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


The West’s electric car giants now risk destroying themselves


Earth Day: How one grocery shopper takes steps to avoid ‘pointless plastic’


How can scientists "predict" the effects of global warming/climate change in 100 years but can't even accurately predict the weather next week? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Taxing the Super-Rich Is Brazil’s G-20 Plan for Climate, Hunger


Monday, April 22, 2024

EViscerated: ICE Vehicles are More Efficient than EVs. Even Norway's "green" hydropower electricity can't save EVs from the Laws of Physics


WA solar energy projects getting $156 million in federal funds


Can the effects of global warming and climate change be observed from the International Space Station (ISS)? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


The UK War on Cars


Washington state's plan for a plan to decarbonize


Switching to green power could add £29 billion a year to household bills


I thought Electric Cars Were the Future. I Changed My Mind - Sabine Hossenfelder (video)


Farmers Uninsurable Risk: Solar Factory Neighbours Face Total Financial Ruin


Sunday, April 21, 2024

National Grid Resorts To Propaganda–David Turver


How can the UK recover from the perception that it is "less ambitious on climate" following Rishi Sunak's speech on diluting climate commitments? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Unaffordable & Unreliable Electricity Inevitable Result of Wind & Solar ‘Transition’


Leaking Gutters? Blame Climate Change


German minister threatens ‘indefinite driving bans’ on weekends


How Climate Change Narrative Is Preventing Africa From Modernizing and Gaining Prosperity


‘Nitrogen Crisis’ Is Just a Pretext to Steal Farmers’ Land, Implement Globalist Agenda | Facts Matter (video)


Friday, April 19, 2024

Is it possible to become a climate scientist without attending college? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


They never used to have heatwaves in Mali


How we know that the sun changes the Climate. Part I: The past


How Global Cooling Threatened The World’s Food Supply


Scotland to ditch key climate change target


Research & Commentary: New Heartland Study Shows 96 Percent of NOAA Surface Temperature Station Data Is Corrupted


AEP Away With The Fairies Again


Kenyan Tribe Redistributes Camels To Combat Climate Change


Electric car demand plunges across Europe


Europe is revolting against the tyranny of electric cars. Once again, Britain is leading the way in resisting the new Net Zero orthodoxy


When Politics and Physics Collide. The belief that mandates and massive subsidies can summon a world without fossil fuels is magical thinking.


No Care & No Responsibility: Massive Subsidies Only Reason Wind & Solar ‘Industries’ Exist


Thursday, April 18, 2024

When did scientists first discover global warming? What methods did they use to identify this phenomenon? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


The economic commitment of climate change


Boston Mayor Wu appoints city’s first chief climate officer at $195,000 a year


Climate Change Will Cost Global Economy $38 Trillion Every Year Within 25 Years, Scientists Warn


Half a million hectares of Indonesian forest under threat from nickel mining, study finds


Biden Official Jennifer Granholm Stutters and Stammers After Being Confronted with the Truth of the Administration’s Climate Agenda


At Least 18 Dead in Dubai Weather Tampering Experiment



Why Worry About Facts, Sky?


Coldest, Wettest & Stormiest – The Good Old Days Before Global Warming




What do you think of the recent scientific arguments suggesting there "isn't really a turning point" for climate change? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


WATCH: Sen. Josh Hawley Obliterates Biden’s Energy Secretary Over Illegal Stock Trading


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

How would you feel if you were told that climate change could cost you around $500,000 over the course of your lifetime? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Climate report: ‘Uncharted territory’ imperils life on Earth


Jeff Bezos’ Earth Fund Launches $100 Million Challenge to ‘Fix’ Climate with AI


Are there any scientifically proven facts that deny the role of human-caused CO2 in global warming and climate change, other than the arguments that it is just a theory or a conspiracy for financial gain? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history




How does a butane torch demonstrate that global warming is total bullshit? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Venomous Snakes May Spread into Vulnerable Communities because of Climate Change


Invaders from underground are coming in cicada-geddon. It’s the biggest bug emergence in centuries


Arctic Sea Ice Soars to Highest Level for 21 Years


The 2023 Hurricane Season Paul Homewood


Mounting Losses Mean Sweden’s Wind Industry Faces Total Financial Collapse


How Harmful is Renewable Energy to Birds?


Inside the Controversy That's Divided the Carbon Offsets Market


Giant battery to be installed underground as deep as Empire State Building is tall: 'It's a massive amount of storage'


Monday, April 15, 2024

Joe Biden was steaming mad when Americans gave electric vehicles this brutal rejection


What do you think of the fact that in recent years, a growing number of the world’s leading scientists and Nobelists have begun bucking the globalist dogma regarding “climate change” to warn the public that they are being manipulated by the elites? - TL Winslow, World's #1 climate scientist, amateur by choice.


Nobel Winner Refutes Climate Change Narrative, Points Out Ignored Factor


Pointless Duplication: America to Squander $3.5 Trillion to Connect Far-Flung Wind & Solar


What could potentially disprove an entire field of science, such as climate change? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Friday, April 12, 2024

EU To Spend Trillions On Net Zero Grid Expansion


Commentary: Ignore the pushback — clean energy is going strong


Third dead whale found miles from offshore wind farm in less than a week. Lawmakers have expressed concern that offshore wind development may be contributing to whale fatalities. Will this kill large offshore wind farms? - James M. Volo


What are some reasons why people deny climate change? Can you recommend any resources to better understand their perspectives? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


What is the reason for the UK's strong focus on addressing climate change? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Evidence-Based Climate Science Data Opposing CO2 Emissions as the Primary Source of Global Warming


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Green Greta Gets the Ultimate Karma – You Won’t Believe What Happened to Her



What is the role of cows in global warming? What are the other factors contributing to climate chan- TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Time To Save the Right Whales From the Green Left?



Meet The Expert On Turbine Eagle Deaths The Wind Energy Industry Turned On


Kevin Kirchman: "Why the Greenhouse Gas Theory is Invalid Scientifically" | Tom Nelson Pod #206 (video)


Do you believe that recent record-breaking months are a strong signal that the global climate is changing? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Controversial Test Carried Out to Dim the Earth for Climate Change; Wearing Jeans Now a Threat to Global Warming (video)


How might the US's protectionist measures against China's green energy manufacturing advantages impact the fight against climate change and the American economy? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


What is the reason behind the belief that climate change causes extreme weather events, despite scientists saying otherwise? - TL Winslow Pansophist master of STEM and world history


True Science for Government Leaders and Educators: The Main Cause of Global Warming - J. Marvin Herndon


7 out of the 10 states with the most EVs are deep blue states. All 10 of the states with the fewest EVs are red states. The bottom line: Nearly half the country refuses to buy electric vehicles.


Where does carbon tax money go, and what does it accomplish? - James Matkin


Monday, April 8, 2024

If, in a debate, I am arguing that climate change is a hoax, how would I go about doing that? - Ms Thompson


Catan’s new board game lets you pit fossil fuels against green energy. With Catan: New Energies, the iconic board game maker is challenging players to think about the realities of climate change.


Islands That Climate Alarmists Said Would Soon “Disappear” Due to Rising Sea Found to Have Grown in Size


Net zero Britain is already hopelessly hooked on China


New England's last coal plants set to shutter, ushering in era of green energy. Environmentalists cheered the announcement as a 'breath of fresh air'


Biden Forces Truckers Electric, But They’re Not Plugging In!


Biden’s Electric Vehicle ‘Mandate’ Might Just Be A Surprise Gift To China


‘AVOID FALSE BALANCE’: AP Style Guide Aims to Silence Dissent From Climate Alarmist Narrative


Is there any evidence that suggests we should not be concerned about global warming or climate change? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Sunday, April 7, 2024

95% of SARM Ask Province to Withdraw from Net-Zero Agreements


'It blows my mind': How B.C. destroys a key natural wildfire defence every year. Provincial rules require spraying of fire-resistant aspen trees to make way for valuable conifers


Stop saying climate change will destroy the world - the truth is far scarier. Climate activists tend to use apocalyptic language when describing the future. But they’re getting the framing all wrong.


Fossil Fuels Create 1 Trillion Computer Chips per Year. The most complex devices ever created by mankind depend on burning fossil fuels


The global conversation about solar geoengineering just changed at the UN Environment Assembly. Here’s how.


Emergency atmospheric geoengineering wouldn't save the oceans. Waiting too long to reduce carbon emissions comes at a steep price for the oceans, and relying on rescue via stratospheric aerosol injection isn't a safe bet


Controversial Harvard Geoengineering Project Abandoned After Advisory Committee Report


NOAA gets dire warning about solar geoengineering.The agency is being asked to strengthen a toothless rule that requires only a heads-up before experiments to modify the weather.


Effects of geoengineering must be urgently investigated, experts say. Impact on ecosystems must be predicted before technology is used, US atmospheric science agency chief says


Geoengineering Test Quietly Launches Salt Crystals into Atmosphere. A solar geoengineering experiment in San Francisco could lead to brighter clouds that reflect sunlight. The risks are numerous


The extraordinary climate events of 2022-24


Biden Energy Policies Cost U.S. Households More Than $2,300 Since 2021


Saturday, April 6, 2024

Climate Change Weekly #502: Climate Change Is Not Causing Inflation


Debunked Elon says fossil fuels will run out. False. They are abundant. #shorts #trending #elonmusk (video)


States Retreating From Green Energy As Costs Skyrocket, But Climate Policies Harder To Kill


What If Renewable Energy Is A Racket?


How does adoption of electric vehicles reduce carbon emissions? Evidence from China


If you want an example of the (p)ignorance of the climate freaks making policy decisions - check out this short clip (3 minutes) from Australia


Rare New Jersey Earthquake Due To Climate Change? X Fact Checks Viral Claim


Frozen Reality: Why the Grand Wind & Solar Transition Just Ain’t Happening


A report has found that just 57 fossil fuel and cement producers have been linked to 80% of global fossil CO2 emissions since the Paris Agreement.


Are you surprised by the fact that 80 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions come from just 57 companies? What actions should be taken to address this issue? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Is it possible to understand both sides of an issue, even if you disagree with one side's position, such as climate change? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Do you think engineering our way out of the climate crisis is a realistic solution? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


Hostility Mounts: Rural Communities Ready to Explode Against Wind & Solar Onslaught


SHOCK: Biden Administration Environmental Rules Estimated to Cost Americans Almost $1.4 Trillion


Friday, April 5, 2024

U.N. Official Blames White People For “Climate Crisis”


Boston Globe, Covering for NOAA, Contradicts Itself on Dangers to Whales. David Wojick reflects upon the stupidity of Boston Globe writers trying to dismiss offshore wind impacts on whales as the paper contradicts itself on the facts.


Mongolian Deep Freeze Due To Global Warming–Says Discredited Daily Telegraph


EXCLUSIVE: Exec At US Battery Manufacturer Pictured At Chinese Communist Party Meetings


Australians are facing a new “climate criminal” – soil


Debt From Above: The Carbon Credit Coup


Jane Fonda blames ‘white men,’ ‘racism’ for climate change: ‘Arrest and jail’


What is the global reference temperature in °C called "pre-industrial level" against which global warming is compared? - TL Winslow, Pansophist master of STEM and world history


What Is the Antarctic Volcanoes Project?

It's too bad the current brouhaha about CO2 is so narrowly focused. So what if a higher concentration in the atmosphere raises global average temps? If higher temps were accompanied by increased atmospheric moisture, it would even out around the world and turn it into a paradise planet, greening the deserts so that the teeming billions could be fed. Cold temperatures are inimical to life, not a goal of life.

Too bad, it might take a lot more CO2 than you think to really change the global weather, but not because it has any control over Earth's surface temperatures. In fact atmospheric CO2 can't melt an ice cube with its 15 micron main radiation wavelength that has a Planck radiation temperature of -80C, colder than dry ice (-78.5C).

Why do they call CO2 greenhouse gas? Because plants breathe it, and they pump it into greenhouses to help them grow and thrive. Polar regions and deserts look good in postcards, but who wants to live there. Meanwhile global pop. is zooming, so obviously the real answer is to pump more CO2 and water vapor into the atmosphere to turn the Earth into a greenhouse, turning deserts both hot and cold into lush green crop-growing regions like 35 million years ago when the avg. global temp was 88F and the CO2 level was 1K parts per million (vs. 415 PPM today). So what if we lose some desert polar regions and even some yummy coastline, the adjustments will be inconvenient but temporary, but I prefer shirt-sleeve weather to Frosty the Snowman. How many arctic animals can't adapt to a warmer climate? What animal needs to live in ice and snow and wouldn't like a vacation to Tahiti? They can lose the fat, hair or feathers.

The real question is can we make and keep the global CO2/H20 levels high enough, and for how long? Sooner or later mass global starvation will become unstoppable if world pop. keeps climbing, and this is the way to forestall it, if we act soon enough. Don't give me them Malthusian objections, give me some CO2/H20 solutions. I like a paradise Earth in the possibility window.

So, while the world is debating the horrors, extent or lack thereof of global warming caused by CO2, let's engineer the CO2/H20 solution to making the Earth a warm temperate planet from pole to pole with no deserts or ice wastelands, allowing vastly more food to be grown and turning poor nations rich. I DON'T mean a planet with wild swings between super-hot summers and super-cold winters, but one that is warmer than now everywhere, but moister and greener, with a giant network of plant life helping to avoid extremes. Since CO2 and water vapor are the keys, and the paltry amounts in the atmosphere need to be increased as soon as possible to turn deserts green and get the warming process off to a good start, but the new levels have to be maintained permanently, I'm looking to remote Antarctica (which is really a sea) as the most promising source for unlimited CO2 and water vapor generation, given that noxious emissions (sulfur dioxide, etc.) can be controlled.

This blog is for posting news on the world climate situation, scientific and political, along with my own articles. I'm sure it will start out with hardly any interest or followers, but I'm hoping that it will attract the smartest people eventually and in the end I hope for a global consensus that if it can be done it must be done.

So what is the Antarctic Volcanoes Project? My working idea is that an international effort to reactivate as many volcanoes in Antarctica as possible in an ideal location for distributing the CO2/H20 will produce the best and most cost-effective results. Sorry, one-worlders, it won't give you a license to override and control any country's economy, but if your country is suffering from lack of food you will be too busy expanding farming to care. Hence until I think of or hear about a better way to increase world CO2/H20 levels, this is my pet project. If you are a scientist, please climb aboard my AVP Express and let's make it happen.

It Would Be Funny If It Were's So Sad

It would be funny it weren't so sad, but when the scientists say "greenhouse gas" they are using a malaprop. It should be greenhouse GLASS, because that's why a greenhouse stays warm, by glass walls stopping convection of air and trapping heat. Yes, CO2 is pumped into greenhouses, but not for heating purposes, only to help plants BREATHE. So the whole sucker's game of "greenhouse gas" must truly be for the purpose of stopping more vegetation from growing and feeding the teeming billions. Is that their true goal? Another blip on the horizon is the promise of melting permafrost releasing gigantic amounts of CO2 from the Arctic not Antarctic sector. Let's hope we at least get some more good CO2 that way.

Jan. 14, 2011. Good article on CO2 levels and global temps 30-40 million years ago

Aug. 31, 2011. Giant pipe and balloon to pump water into the sky in climate experiment

May 31, 2013. Scientists find that higher CO2 levels green arid regions

Mar. 30, 2015. Higher atmospheric CO2 levels causing boom in vegetation

Aug. 2015. 'Unprecedented' volcanic eruption released enough water vapor to heat Earth: report

Aug. 15, 2017. Scientists find 91 new volcanoes miles beneath Antarctica's thick ice sheet

How Much CO2 Do Volcanoes Emit?

Will a major volcanic eruption fix climate change? - James Matkin

Part of the heat is coming from beneath our feet

Did any volcanoes erupt in 2020?

T.L. Winslow (TLW, the Historyscoper (tm)

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