Saturday, January 7, 2023

Climate Embarrassment: Anthropogenic Climate Change is a Hoax but Global Warming is Real 

My reply:

[[Global warming energy is a buildup of temperature when the sunlight energy takes a smidge longer to escape to space.]]

This is so bonkers.  IT wouldn't be sunlight energy but Earth surface radiation energy.  Global warming would be an increase in the temp of Earth's surface, but that can only be caused by new solar energy the next day, not by the atmosphere, which contains no heat, any more than does a blanket, which doesn't cause your body temperature to rise just because it slows cooling.

Slowing cooling doesn't equal heating.

The bottom line is that unlike the surfaces of the Sun and the Earth, Earth's atmosphere isn't a black body radiator, hence it can's slow the cooling of Earth's surface of solar heat one iota.  The evil global Marxist politician-run U.N. IPCC has long been pushing the circus trick of double-counting of photons, by making you think CO2's "back radiation" hits the Earth's surface before it even starts cooling, when those photons are recycled from this cooling radiation.

They switch to the "slowing cooling" nonsense to keep you confused, knowing they're trying to keep their money train rolling and few can think for themselves any more.  If you do, ditch that train completely before it goes off the tracks into a ravine.

Here is one of the biggest IPCC lies swallowed whole by the author:

[[Global warming is an effect caused by a radiative emission from a visual spectrum (sunlight) being absorbed into the surface of Earth and then a perfectly equal amount of energy being re-emitted back to space at much longer wavelengths. In generalities, this is characterized by the also imperfect Planck blackbody equations. There is literally zero scientific controversy about global warming at this level.]]

Zonk! The Planck black body equations are perfect, a miraculous explanation of the transition from the quantum world where heat and temperature don't exist to the macro world of heat and temperature, which are statistical not quantum quantities.  The quantum world ceases to exist at the macro world, where heat and temperature live, which is one of the greatest source of confusion that the IPCC makes use of to keep going.

A perfectly equal amount of energy is reemitted back to space at longer wavelengths?  Way wrong. All heat transfer processes in Nature must obey its ironclad Second Law of Thermodynamics AKA Entropy based on the Arrow of Time, increasing entropy by dispersing some heat energy into the Heat Death of the Univese forever.

The IPCC octopus of fake physicists doesn't even acknowledge entropy, because their whole CO2-driven global warming hoax is an attempt to deny that the Second Law applies to CO2.  Entropy dispersion and the desperate need to deny it explains why the IPCC tries to prove global warming by claiming an upset in the Sun-Earth energy balance, not at Earth's surface but at the edge of space, because this energy balance doesn't and can't exist, and they're in charge of all the data, allowing them to make the final numbers come out to anything they want to sell their highway robbery program.

Here is the real physics, from an IPCC-suppressed 2017 Nature article:

"Blackbody radiation... is defined as radiation with the maximum possible amount of entropy for a given energy." -

Why do so many duck my years of work with pure sweet thermal physics to play footsie with the IPCC lie machine?

See every IPCC lie exploded definitively right here in this free article.  They're not going to spread the word.  We have to.  It's not easy reading, more like a graduate seminar, but you have all the time in the world to educate yourself to fight their gravy train and help derail it.

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What Is the Antarctic Volcanoes Project?

It's too bad the current brouhaha about CO2 is so narrowly focused. So what if a higher concentration in the atmosphere raises global average temps? If higher temps were accompanied by increased atmospheric moisture, it would even out around the world and turn it into a paradise planet, greening the deserts so that the teeming billions could be fed. Cold temperatures are inimical to life, not a goal of life.

Too bad, it might take a lot more CO2 than you think to really change the global weather, but not because it has any control over Earth's surface temperatures. In fact atmospheric CO2 can't melt an ice cube with its 15 micron main radiation wavelength that has a Planck radiation temperature of -80C, colder than dry ice (-78.5C).

Why do they call CO2 greenhouse gas? Because plants breathe it, and they pump it into greenhouses to help them grow and thrive. Polar regions and deserts look good in postcards, but who wants to live there. Meanwhile global pop. is zooming, so obviously the real answer is to pump more CO2 and water vapor into the atmosphere to turn the Earth into a greenhouse, turning deserts both hot and cold into lush green crop-growing regions like 35 million years ago when the avg. global temp was 88F and the CO2 level was 1K parts per million (vs. 415 PPM today). So what if we lose some desert polar regions and even some yummy coastline, the adjustments will be inconvenient but temporary, but I prefer shirt-sleeve weather to Frosty the Snowman. How many arctic animals can't adapt to a warmer climate? What animal needs to live in ice and snow and wouldn't like a vacation to Tahiti? They can lose the fat, hair or feathers.

The real question is can we make and keep the global CO2/H20 levels high enough, and for how long? Sooner or later mass global starvation will become unstoppable if world pop. keeps climbing, and this is the way to forestall it, if we act soon enough. Don't give me them Malthusian objections, give me some CO2/H20 solutions. I like a paradise Earth in the possibility window.

So, while the world is debating the horrors, extent or lack thereof of global warming caused by CO2, let's engineer the CO2/H20 solution to making the Earth a warm temperate planet from pole to pole with no deserts or ice wastelands, allowing vastly more food to be grown and turning poor nations rich. I DON'T mean a planet with wild swings between super-hot summers and super-cold winters, but one that is warmer than now everywhere, but moister and greener, with a giant network of plant life helping to avoid extremes. Since CO2 and water vapor are the keys, and the paltry amounts in the atmosphere need to be increased as soon as possible to turn deserts green and get the warming process off to a good start, but the new levels have to be maintained permanently, I'm looking to remote Antarctica (which is really a sea) as the most promising source for unlimited CO2 and water vapor generation, given that noxious emissions (sulfur dioxide, etc.) can be controlled.

This blog is for posting news on the world climate situation, scientific and political, along with my own articles. I'm sure it will start out with hardly any interest or followers, but I'm hoping that it will attract the smartest people eventually and in the end I hope for a global consensus that if it can be done it must be done.

So what is the Antarctic Volcanoes Project? My working idea is that an international effort to reactivate as many volcanoes in Antarctica as possible in an ideal location for distributing the CO2/H20 will produce the best and most cost-effective results. Sorry, one-worlders, it won't give you a license to override and control any country's economy, but if your country is suffering from lack of food you will be too busy expanding farming to care. Hence until I think of or hear about a better way to increase world CO2/H20 levels, this is my pet project. If you are a scientist, please climb aboard my AVP Express and let's make it happen.

It Would Be Funny If It Were's So Sad

It would be funny it weren't so sad, but when the scientists say "greenhouse gas" they are using a malaprop. It should be greenhouse GLASS, because that's why a greenhouse stays warm, by glass walls stopping convection of air and trapping heat. Yes, CO2 is pumped into greenhouses, but not for heating purposes, only to help plants BREATHE. So the whole sucker's game of "greenhouse gas" must truly be for the purpose of stopping more vegetation from growing and feeding the teeming billions. Is that their true goal? Another blip on the horizon is the promise of melting permafrost releasing gigantic amounts of CO2 from the Arctic not Antarctic sector. Let's hope we at least get some more good CO2 that way.

Jan. 14, 2011. Good article on CO2 levels and global temps 30-40 million years ago

Aug. 31, 2011. Giant pipe and balloon to pump water into the sky in climate experiment

May 31, 2013. Scientists find that higher CO2 levels green arid regions

Mar. 30, 2015. Higher atmospheric CO2 levels causing boom in vegetation

Aug. 2015. 'Unprecedented' volcanic eruption released enough water vapor to heat Earth: report

Aug. 15, 2017. Scientists find 91 new volcanoes miles beneath Antarctica's thick ice sheet

How Much CO2 Do Volcanoes Emit?

Will a major volcanic eruption fix climate change? - James Matkin

Part of the heat is coming from beneath our feet

Did any volcanoes erupt in 2020?

T.L. Winslow (TLW, the Historyscoper (tm)

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